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Lil Man

Family Lil Man Mama's Babies Weekend

Weekend Wrap Up

On Sunday my son turned 7. This weekend was spent partying at the pumpkin patch where my son and nearly 25 of his friends and their parents joined us in helping him celebrate in a big way.

Thanks to Trina and Kita for coming out!

Addison even had some of her homegirls come out to party

Hayride and corn know obligatory pumpkin patch activities


Here is their photo from last year. They grow so fast *weeps*

How was your weekend?

Children Lil Man Parenting Rant

Instagram and A Six Year Old

The delicate subject of parenting in this age of social media, and technology is starting to rear its ugly head in this little home in a southern ‘burb of the A.T.L.

I just had a bad feeling about my son getting that iPod from my father from the very beginning. Mother’s intuition anyone? My father insisted it was equivalent to the Gameboy that he purchased for me when I was just a hair older than my son is now. My argument was WiFi probably wasn’t even thought of at that time, and there wasn’t much damage that I could do sticking a Tetris cartridge in it except playing it until my thumbs were sore.

I had to deliberately explain to him that my son would be able to access the internet and its crazies and potentially download apps that would show up as charges on my debit card. To ease my nerves he said he would have a talk with him about internet safety and not to download any apps without my permission.

Lil Man Texts From My Son

Texts From My Son

My son finally got his iPod Touch. The one my dad bribed him with . He has discovered some sort of app  on there that allows him to send text messages as long as he has Wifi and its going to an Apple product.

Well he has taken use of this app to the next level sending me all kinds of random texts when I’m out. I love it for the fact that it helps him with sentence formation and spelling and not to mention his texts are good for a laugh every now and then.

When I was in NYC he sent this to me.

Keysha and Brandye are my besties from college that I saw while I was in NYC. He loves both of them so him asking about them wasn’t a surprise but….

*In my Ice Cube voice* We be clubbin? I didn’t know.

I don’t even go to the club…can’t remember the last time I went to the club.

Kids…the real question is why wasn’t he in the bed.

What darndest thing has your child said lately?!!


Lil Man Parenting

NOT Living Vicariously Through My Son

My son decided he didn’t want to play football this year.

I really wanted him to.

Remember last year my endless ramblings about how those 3 times a week practices were wrecking my flow and how every time we turned around they needed $10 for socks and $30 for a sweatshirt. Remember?

No? Well go back and read there’s some good stuff the further down you scroll. I digress.

Well the thing is I was looking forward to football season. Chatting with the other moms at practice,  starting out the season baking in the sun during practice and totally appreciating the cool breeze as the fall progressed. Wearing my shirt….All of that.

..but he doesn’t want to play. It was my thought to make him play when the Mr. put his foot down and reminded me that he is old enough to know what he likes and doesn’t and that if he doesn’t want to play, we won’t be making him.

<insert sad face>

As parents there comes that time when our children become independent and can really tell us what they want and it really tests our limits of parental superiority. Sure we could make him play but then he would be miserable while I’m eating funnel cakes, chasing Addison around and shooting the breeze with the other moms.

So I’m off to find him another fall sport and hopefully I’ll bond with the other moms on the team. After all that’s the main reason why I wanted him to play in the first place. I’m so selfish, but isn’t that the basis most of the time for us pushing our agendas on our children.

I should probably speak for myself!!

Here’s some news though…He will NOT be quitting piano. I mean that. See, he plays so well doesn’t he?!!

Have you ever made your child play a sport or instrument etc. against their will. What was your rationale?