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Life Mimi Relationships

What’s REALLY on Your Mind?!!

The 5Ws and H of writing often extend themselves into our personal lives. If you need a refresher that would be who, what, where, when, why and how.

We’re always searching and reaching for what we are “supposed” to be doing. What is our purpose in life, how do we get there, who should we be networking with, why has our life taken its current direction. If we don’t trust our own selves and our ability to make and move ourselves in the proper direction then there are two other very viable resources that we often overlook.

God and our close friends….

I’ll leave the preaching for another time, yet some of us know the still small voice is always there. We just aren’t listening.

In the meantime…

Our closest friends and people around us be it virtual or IRL often see potential in us that we don’t see. This morning I was talking with my very good friend Erika, and we were discussing what our next steps would be and she mentioned to me something that she always saw me doing. Something that I can say I have considered but hearing her say it almost solidified it for me that it was a direction that I needed to be moving in.

Sad to say sometimes other people are more in tune with our talents than we are. We can be so critical and at times so sure of ourselves that we miss the most brilliant and equally unattractive things about our own being.

With that being said, there is a thin line between being what people think you should be and who you really are, and finding medium ground is key. However, I always find it interesting to hear what other people think of me and their criticisms be it good or bad.

I’m just curious what do you think of me based on what you “know”? When was the last time you opened yourself up to someone else’s thoughts of you? We’re talking the good and bad here..Let’s go!


Marriage Parenting Relationships

What You Won’t Do….

Listen. This post references *whispers* sex. If you are going to blush and giggle hit the red X and we’ll see you tomorrow.

I recently read an article somewhere about sexless marriages. Call me green but I really didn’t want to believe people did this. Oh, but they do. The numbers were astounding.

So here’s my question. What’s the point?

I understand there are a number of issues beyond one’s control that might contribute to a lack of intimacy between two people but outside of those reasons…*scratches head*

Women are the masters of intimidation and manipulation and I’m sure more than half of the population  have used said action or lack thereof as a reward and punishment system. Wrong.

I subscribe to the theory that what you won’t do…..

Not saying that all men cheat because their wives are nagging, raggedy messes, but I am saying those trying to dangle their special parts like a carrot might be doing themselves more harm than good.

The article went on to explain that the majority of the couples who were in these “arrangements” stayed for their children or money reasons. After interviewing some of the children of these couples overwhelmingly the children were aware of the marital problems despite their parents attempt at hiding it. TRAGIC.

If I can’t be intimate with you, and we’ve tried on more than one occasion and its not working, I’m sorry it’s time to move on. Torturing children thinking you are giving them a good example when they are reading right through the foolishness has dire my opinion.

This really floored me.

Would you or could you be in a sexless marriage. If so, please explain?

*hits my virtual two step*