
How to Make Spring Cleaning a Family Affair

Thank you to Lemi Shine for partnering with Unlikely Martha. My children help out around the house and I would prefer them use non toxic products. LemiShine is working out great for us. I was compensated for this post, all opinions are mine.

Spring Cleaning/ deep cleaning is that never ending task that always seems to loom over my head. I manage to keep my home tidy and in order thanks to my handy cleaning schedule but those monthly/ sometimes bi weekly deep cleanings can’t and don’t happen because my busy schedule with the children leave me void of any energy needed to accomplish those tasks. After ripping and running 4 nights out of the week, by the time the weekend comes I’m just trying to catch my breath.

I’ll admit, I haven’t always agreed with the idea that children should help clean simply because I wasn’t made to do any heavy cleaning as a child.

NOW? Glad you asked.

After years of tiring myself out trying to do all of everything around here pertaining to the house, I eventually had to put my foot down and learn to demand that in order to keep OUR home in order ALL hands need to be on board. The transition wasn’t easy and I still have issues enforcing the rules but when I get it right it really helps having everyone pitch in to do their part.

Here are a few tips on how to successfully make Spring cleaning a family affair.

Assign Specific Tasks/ Post a Chore Chart

Nothing causes more chaos than expecting someone to do something  they aren’t aware of. Assign tasks and communicate those expectations clearly. If necessary demonstrate how you expect the task to be completed. To keep things fresh and fair, especially when dealing with children, change assigned tasks periodically. My kids have their favourite and least favourite jobs but they still have to do them all. When I got a new vacuum after looking at GadgetReview.com and their Shark review, the kids actually fought over who would do the vacuuming!

Utilize Chemical Free Cleaning Products

Traditional cleaning products are toxic. There is no way of sugar coating that. Switching your cleaning arsenal to products like Lemi Shine that are non toxic, biodegradable and septic tank safe will give you peace of mind in letting older children clean counters, bathrooms and other areas that specifically need strong cleaners.


Lemi Shine offers an array of fresh smelling non toxic cleaners that include an everyday spray that does wonders on granite and stainless steel, along with dishwasher tabs, dish detergent, and a washing machine cleaner that works very well.


For more information on the Lemi Shine line of non toxic cleaners head over to their website to find locations that carry the product line along with some printable coupons.


Transform the Mundane Task of Cleaning into Family Time

Turn the tunes up, assign tasks and get to work. Weeks upon weeks of rushing off to practices and getting home in just enough time to scarf down dinner, take a bath and go to sleep makes it hard to gather for family time during the week. Carving out this time and turning it into a fun experience will create memories while getting the house clean.

Practice Positive Reinforcement

One of my arguments for not making my children clean, was I would have to come behind them and do it right. My husband in turn took out the time to demonstrate how to do each cleaning task to his specifications. It took some time but now my children know how to properly clean the kitchen. As kids will be kids they often try to skimp and cut corners but when they get it right without prompting, I believe in positive reinforcement to let them know I see their efforts and to keep up the good work.

Do your children help out around the house? Please feel free to add some additional tips in the comments about how to make cleaning a family affair.






1 Comment

  • Reply
    April 6, 2017 at 6:42 pm

    My kids have no choice but to help out around the house if they don’t want to be on permanent punishment. They all have their set days that chores need to be done. I need to go back over the cleaning process with them because lately they have been slipping.

    I will check out Lemishine. I visited the site and they sell it at my local WalMart.

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