As much as my heart desires to complete a project 365 I just can’t do it. I’m way too flaky to take a photo a day and the pettiness in me won’t let me take two photos on Wednesday and pass one off as being taken on Monday. Just not in me.
I still capture many random moments in our lives so I’ll share them from time to time as a glimpse into our life.
Here is life lately:
Imagine marinating the meat for your favorite meal, turning on the stove and discovering your stove cooked it’s last meal yesterday. This happened. I was without a stove for nearly a week. I did not cook and did not feel bad. In hindsight there is a crockpot and griddle that could’ve been used but that is neither here nor there . I had a week in which I did not cook and I didn’t feel any way about it.
We managed to throw the most bootleg Superbowl party ever. Cause we are all in eradicate debt mode our budget didn’t call for a full on Superbowl party. When a few friends asked if they could come over, we said yes but you have to bring your own food and drink.
I know. I know.
It was the chicken wings they left that fed us for the week while the stove was broken. Man, that really worked out. They got to see Bey in large form and hear her in surround sound and we got dinner for the week. WIN
I have dreams of a wash and go this Summer. I keep chopping on my hair not because I love it so much but that I am hoping to get my curls back. I think I see them, do you? Heat damage is a muva.
…and parenting these people has been challenging to say the least. They are developing their own personalities and are needing to be parented differently. Send wine and good vibes for my nerves of course.
Working on this for a March 1 launch. A little excited and a whole lot scared.
I’m sure I’m not the only mother who doesn’t sleep when her kids are sick. A spiked fever or a puke session in bed while I’m sound asleep, the thoughts keep me sleeping with one eye open when I have a sicky poo. Then they wake up well rested and I’m tired.
… and this is what strep looks like
I suppose she became sick and tired to avoid cleaning up?
What’s life looking like on your end?
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