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Photography Vlog

Bring Your Instagram Photos to Life w/ *Giveaway*


Y’all know I love taking photos. Although I am getting better I still have the tendency to leave my photos in the camera, in my phone or stuck in Instagram world. Remember that commercial where the woman went to take a photo and there wasn’t enough room on her memory card and the events started talking like I hope she doesn’t delete me? No? okay. Well it happened.


With such technology at our hands and some of us capturing a large part of our and our children’s activities on Instagram its only logical to have a medium through which to print these images out and gives you the ability.

Ink 361


4 Tips on How To Take Great Photos Without a DSLR

Seeing someone with a high powered camera can do something to our psyche. One of which may cause you to tuck your little seemingly unimportant point and shoot into your pocket or purse out of frustration, and maybe even envy.

Fret not.

Today I am going to give you some tips on how to get a good photo with your point and shoot. To further prove my point all photos in this post were taken with my Samsung, under $200 point and shoot that I reviewed here.

4 Tips on How to Take Great Photos

Mama's Babies Photography

My Camera and I…A Rekindled Romance

If you have been reading over here for awhile you remember a time when I was obsessed with my camera. I was  taking lots of pictures and really immersing myself into learning more about photography and then….

Life got in the way. Okay, I won’t blame it solely on life because shortly after I returned from Blogher I discovered that one of my kit lenses had broken and it totally took the last bit of photo taking breath in me when it died. Not to mention I was discouraged that I wasn’t able to create some of the prettier pictures that I had seen other bloggers taking so I decided I would wait until I got a new camera before I picked up my hobby again. EX.C– USES

Well, I am happy to say that last week my new baby was delivered. I have the shutterbug again. I even joined Clickin’ Moms. You have been warned, there will be lots of pictures from here on out until the newness of this camera wears off.

I was determined to get some fall photos of my babies so I went out with my old camera a few weeks ago and snapped these after having to use the manual focus on the lens. What a struggle. These aren’t  that great, but they served the purpose. However, I guarantee the Christmas ones will be amazing.