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Living MOMing

The Curated Reality of Glam Mothering

We all have seen those IG pages, perfectly curated memoirs of fab moms dressed to the nines with million dollar strollers, coiffed hair and perfect meals. Tens of thousands of followers stroll their timelines daily taking in these perfect images, some taking them for face value and others crying in their coffee at the mere fact that their IG page would be littered with poorly lit photos of their homes in disarray as they question, “how does *insert perfect IG feed name here* do it?

” I mean, she has a thousand kids and still manages to look put together and I have one and can’t seem to get my life, let alone head out to Target with a beat face.”

Sometimes I just want to disconnect from the internet, the very internet that has introduced me to so many amazing and powerful women. The internet that over the past 7 years has allowed me to subconsciously document my feelings and life for memories that years from now would have been a distant memory.

The curated reality of the internet will get you if you let it, especially when it comes to motherhood.

I follow sites for nothing more than inspiration and ideas, and can easily decipher reality from what you want me to see.  My concern is for those mothers who are struggling with just trying to get the basics together and  feel like they keep dropping the apples because as a mother they don’t look as put together, or their clothing isn’t as expensive, or their business isn’t thriving or their Starbucks would be photographed in front of the steering wheel of a non luxury vehicle.

If motherhood is a community, then I think it is time that real moments start out numbering the curated ones. We all love a pretty photo, but as an influencer I have started to ask myself what good am I putting out into this community for that mother trying to find her way. I fully understand every woman and mother has her own free will to think and perceive things as she pleases but the caring nature in me wants to see that mom know she is winning in her sweatpants and messed up brows. If only  a  suggestion for a quick meal or a Dollar Tree hack to keep her home together I don’t want to feel untouchable in this motherhood space.  I don’t want y’all to come look at me be pretty and tell me  how hard I slay, I want this online space on the internet to be a source of inspiration and connectable moments that we all experience in life in the realm of parenting, fashion, beauty, home and life.

I want to feel real. The thought that someone could look at my online personality and think that I’m perfect or have a perfect life makes me want to barf. Have you seen my Snapchat and the mess of my life that I document there?

I’ll admit. Some of us really do have things a little more together than others, and are genuinely happy but the reality is likely it hasn’t always been that way, and while we may be strong in one area, we are undoubtedly weak in others.

*talking to myself here*

Take what makes sense to you from this curated community of glam motherhood and don’t feel bad about your reality not being theirs or the one they want you to believe in.  We are all just works in progress.

Some a little more curated than others.

As you were.


Photo credit: It’s Really Kita




5 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School

Getting your mind right for back to school and all of the routine it brings can be stressful after a few weeks of leisurely coming and going. Calculating bed and wake up times, thinking of lunch box ideas, coordinating drop off and pick up times.

Back to school time is a lot, especially when you have more than one child. Setting a plan in place ahead of time, really helps to keep things running smooth during the week.

As cumbersome as sitting down once a week and planning seems, keep in mind your children will likely be calmer and on a routine that ensures they get enough rest and aren’t rushed through things.

Here are just a few things that I do to stay organized throughout the school year. I’m constantly tweaking the plan based on what’s working and what isn’t based on activities and the season but these actions are always in some type of rotation around our home and they really and truly help keep me sane.

Setup a Separate Email Address for School Correspondence

Back to School

Yes. My inbox is ridiculous.

With school budgets getting cut and the increased adoption of technology more and more correspondence is being sent through email. I appreciate this because it keeps paper clutter in my house to a minimum and I don’t have to worry with physically keeping up with things. Before you go all don’t add another thing to my list just think about the fact that something important like 50’s dress up day may go unnoticed among your Gap sale email. I’m pretty sure this goes without saying but please make sure to check the email, like set it up to push to your phone OKAY.

Get Your Children Involved


My daughter is not tall enough to reach her hung clothing so I took a command hook and affixed it to the inside of her closet door. Nightly I place her clothes on it for the next day. One less thing I have to do in the morning and it allows her to get dressed without my help while I pack her lunch.

For children that are old enough to take some responsibility in getting themselves ready for school post a fun check off printable they can use daily. This super cute morning printable from Baby Shopaholic makes sure your little one knows  what to do daily.


Meal Plan Based on Your Weekly Activities

Don’t just meal plan, meal plan with a purpose. Kids have activities on Wednesdays? Plan a crockpot meal for that day. Eating out is such an easy and expensive cop out. One thing I am going to try my hand doing is cooking 2-3 meals on one day which means I would only be in the kitchen actually cooking a few days a week.

Batch Activities on the Weekend

Ironing/laying out clothing, combing hair, signing all paperwork in advance for the week when feasible, laundry, creating snack baskets, and creating chore lists are great activities to batch on a free day to save you time during the week. My children like fresh pancakes, sometimes I batch cook them so they can easily reheat them in the mornings or I make these for and easy heat and eat breakfast.

Set Reminders on Your Phone

Don’t force yourself to have to remember everything. Set reminders on your phone to keep you on top of the little things. I am notorious for forgetting to make my son practice his piano. I have a reminder set for when he has to start and another for when he can finish. Set one for when it’s time to start homework, dinner, leave for practice or for that daily activity you have to do that constantly slips your mind. Over time you won’t need it but its great to not have to remember those things.

I’ve also found it easier to input a date or reminder in my phone at the moment I find out about it. It is so easy to say I’ll remember or I’ll do it later. The few minutes it takes you to do it right then will remove one more thing off your list of things to remember.

As we all know back to school time is multi faceted. It isn’t just lunch ideas, and getting organized. It’s adjusting to new grades and school transitions. It’s finding snacks that work for children with food allergies.

The Fab Five and I are happy to bring you this Back to School series to hopefully give you some ideas on how to be ready for back to school. Be sure to stop by the other ladies for additional tips and tricks for back to school!

Bernetta | Bernetta Style – 5 Ways to Handle Back to School with Multiple Children & Schools

Kita | It’s Really Kita – 5 Tips to Get Through Middle School

Lashawn | Everyday Eyecandy – 5 Gluten Free After School Snacks

MJ| Fab Haute Mama – 5 Daily Affirmations for Kids














First Day of School Printables

The past two months have flown by, as expected. Some of us are now trading in our lazy days of Summer for homework and extra curricular activities.

Here are your free first day of school printables.

Click the image(s) you desire. A printable version will populate. Select landscape orientation and print!

Have a great school year!

First Day of preschool printable


First Day of School Printable



First Day of 1st grade printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable


First Day of School Printable




First Day of School Printable

Living travel

African American History and Culture Museum | Our Trip + Tips

I suppose my children should consider themselves lucky that their parentals hail from locations that are popular tourist attractions. Their father from Miami, myself from Washington D.C. Since we visited Miami earlier in the summer to spend time with my husband’s family I thought it only right when the opportunity presented itself to take a quick trip to D.C. to visit my family.

African American History and Culture Museum

Our first tourist stop was the African American History and Culture Museum. I have received so many questions about our experience there that I am going to attempt to answer them here in this post or direct you to a place on the web that can offer more insight if you are planning to visit. Mingled in with the pertinent information I will share my thoughts and feelings as well as photos of items and words that struck a chord, good or bad with me during our visit.  I think everyone who has a desire to understand the plight of African Americans should visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture  at least once in their lifetime.

How to Get Tickets

African American History and Culture Museum

I truly believe favor isn’t always fair. Much like my anticipation of standing in a long line to get into Magnolia Market in Waco when instead we were able to walk right in, such was our experience at the AAHC. We walked up to the entrance to ask where to go for standby tickets. Had a little chat with the attendant and she kindly told us to walk right in. We are so thankful for her generosity but seeing how that was a one in a million chance here is the proper protocol for entrance.

*If you are aware of your travel dates ahead of time go online here to reserve your tickets. Please note these advance timed passes are released monthly. The next release is scheduled for August 2 for visits that will occur in November.

*If you are planning an impromptu trip there are a number of same day tickets released daily at 6:30a. You will have to login at that time to try and reserve. We tried this option at 6:30 and did not get any. Be online early and ready to hit the button at 6:30 if you want a chance!

*If you are visiting during the week, in addition to the same day tickets you can also try your hand at a walk up ticket. Walk up tickets are handed out starting at 1p WEEKDAYS ONLY. Get there early if you are thinking about this route. The line was long at 12p when we got there.

You can find all information regarding individual and group passes here


How Much Time Will You Need

One day will not be enough. Prior to going I heard people say this and was sure we would be the exception.

We were not.

The information is vast and your desire to see everything will require you to visit at least 3 times. Unless you live in the area, you will not have that luxury so expect to spend at least 5 hours there to get a good glimpse at a good amount of the material. I suppose once the Summer is over you may have a better chance of getting it all in in less time, even then I still think at least 2 full days would be needed.

With the sheer amount of people present you will not be able to read everything, instead I took photos of names, events and locations that I wanted to learn more about. I have since compiled a  list that we as a family will use to do our own personal research.

African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


Is It Child Appropriate

I thought the exhibits were very interactive and very much child appropriate in their presentation. My daughter had tons of questions, and although we have discussed slavery and some of the tougher issues regarding segregation etc. in depth,  I think seeing the artifacts and photos really put things into perspective for her. If you have not exposed your children to some of the more raw and harder subjects surrounding African American history you may want to give it an overview before going and talk them through the exhibits in language that is age appropriate or at their level of understanding.

African American History and Culture Museum




African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


Is It Really Crowded

Yes! The first two floors were very crowded and a bit irritating as you try to maneuver around people. Around the middle of the 2nd floor the crowd thins out a bit. We went on a weekday, so I can’t really speak for the weekends but I imagine the way the exhibits are set up the further along you move the crowd thins out as people begin to move at their own pace.

African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


Random Thoughts and Reactions

Overall the exhibits were well thought out and effectively shared the chronological progression of African Americans through slavery, emancipation, segregation, religion, music, theater, sports television, you name it, they covered it in the most interactive and thought provoking way. On a trek to the restroom I observed an elderly white lady in a wheelchair sobbing as she read an excerpt on the first floor. I didn’t know her story, and as I started to speculate on her past I didn’t. The enormity of what has happened and continues to happen in this country to people of color should bring tears to the eyes of more people.  The exhibits here were raw and real, and I commend the manner in which they were presented. There is no need in sugar coating the plight of African Americans in this country. A journey that has been filled with hate, struggle, hope and success, a journey that unfortunately is rearing itself to be cyclical through systematic racism and hate. I left with  feelings of grief, confusion and  accomplishment.

I left feeling that only a select group of people can be torn and ripped from their families, deprived of simple human rights, and yet somehow make a way out of no way blazing trails in every aspect of human imagination. It made me want to do more and be better and educate my children more on our history and not text book history. I’m still processing a lot of it but one thing is for sure…..


If you have the opportunity to visit, please do.


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum



African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum


African American History and Culture Museum