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{#OurProject52} 17/52 Out of Focus

Another prompt that seems to be right on point with my life. Right now it seems that one area of my life has all of the clarity while a few of the others fall out of focus, and they continue to flip flop. Like can’t everything be in focus at one time?!

I suppose that is what makes life interesting! I have gained clarity…for now on a few changes I want to make here on the blog and starting May 1, I’m going back to sharing more of my life with you and taking the focus off blogging for business. It’s just all become a little impersonal for me and I started this blog for the community and that’s what I am going back to.


{#OurProject52} 16/52 Sun Flare

Sun flare is one of those desirable effects to catch in photography, and successfully catching it comes with a little practice. You can see the sun flare in your lens.  I didn’t really catch any images this week that struck my fancy so I decided to highlight some here that I caught with my phone when I wasn’t really trying!

Featured Photography

{#OurProject52} 15/52 – Macro

Immediately when one says Macro I think of nature. I mean what is more interesting than getting an up close photo of a bug or flower. Well maybe it’s just me being the daughter of a retired National Geographic photographer that has found these things quite interesting as I get older.

We’ve been getting a ton of rain here lately…A TON. Of course the plants are loving it and those moments between torrential downpours I’ve found myself outside checking on my plants and just enjoying the outdoors.