I missed a day 🙁

He said that was me

He was headed to throw my baby’s tutu in the trash…it was falling apart


Our new lot has been graded

She finally got the memo that writing was for paper and not the walls
I missed a day 🙁
He said that was me
He was headed to throw my baby’s tutu in the trash…it was falling apart
Our new lot has been graded
She finally got the memo that writing was for paper and not the walls
This week was off. Off as in I just couldn’t get it together, off like a light switch. Lots of drama with the house and I am forcing myself to salvage the remainder of the week. #youcare
I will dish tea and crumpets on the house issues tomorrow.
Last week I took sucky pictures, and had the nerve to miss a day. None of them came out right. The lighting was wrong, they wouldn’t keep still, I had no creative motivation…*insert Charlie Brown’s teacher womp womps* and I thought about not posting them. Oh, then I was like this blog is about real life, not perfection and the reality is I am still learning photography and in general sometimes we are just off and this weeks photos are a representation of that. I am choosing to post them because they are my life…and this past week it was off balance. Maybe next week? I hope.
Cause no one listens when I say put on lotion after you take a bath
Cocktail cupcakes make me happy
I like to call this “Mad because Violet’s batteries are dead”
Looks like someone was crouched on the laundry floor eating that cookie I said she couldn’t have
Searching for parts for the classic car
Clearly Barbie doesn’t know about me…whispering sweet nothings in my Boo’s ear is a recipe for disaster
That side eye shoots like a dagger
Tell ’em why you mad Addison