We’ve have been continuing with our routine of staying close to home but we’ve been taking little outings here and there.
We went bowling

My son is playing football this fall. I know what I said last year, I’ll save the deets on this revelation for another post. Conditioning has started so we spent an evening at the football field.

..and we’ve been doing a lot of the normal summer routing…Playing outside, blowing bubbles, hide and go seek etc. ect.

I did manage to sneak out alone and get in a photo session with Tiffini and her family. Tiffini is the founder of Tastemaker Magazine. I had a great time getting some shots of her and her family. Here are two of my favorites from the shoot.

I’m thinking about starting up a fun linky where I would issue some sort of challenge and every week we would show off our shots in a link up. Would you participate? You could use your cell phone, point and shoot, film, whatever camera you wanted to. What do you think?