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Beauty NaBloPoMo Nail Polish Uncategorized

The Indestructible Mom Mani

So by now you should not be surprised about my love for nail polish. I have tons of it. I hear a lot of women, especially moms say they don’t have time or choose not to paint their nails because their manicures never last. I normally paint my nails at least twice a week. I rarely get them professionally done, because I don’t have the money to waste. But something as simple as taking the time to paint my nails makes me feel good.

Through trial and error I have discovered some tried and true tricks for making your manicure last longer. As the holidays approach, do something to pep yourself up. Something just as simple as a shiny red nail will do just that. You’ll be surprised at how soothing it is to look at shiny nails typing on a keyboard. It’s just me? Oh…..

1.) Get your supplies. Nail file, clipper, cuticle stick and cuticle softener.  Most of my supplies I get from Dollar Tree and every now and then you can find good brands of polish in there for a $1. I use the nail file that has the different surfaces for filing and sanding off the rough edges. For my raggedy cuticles I use E.L.F. cuticle pen. It’s a $1 and works miracles. You can even stick it in your purse. You can find it at Target, or online.

2.)Get yourself a good base coat. I love Orly bonder. It smells like rubber cement and it is a little pricey at $10. But a bottle will last you a looooooooong time. You can find this at Sally’s, Ulta etc.

3.) No matter what people say, I have found that the cheap cost effective nail polish brands work just as well if you take your time. I have a mash up of brands. However, one of my favorites is the NYC In a New York Color Minute brand. They sell it at Walmart at around $1.79 a bottle. It dries fast (great for moms) and comes in a ton of shades.

4.) It is very important to put on 1 to 2 very  thin layers to prevent cracking and chipping. Here is a tutorial I found on Pinterest that I used to learn to polish my nails neatly.

Source: via Corie on Pinterest

5. You need a good top coat. All of the polish blogs I read swear by Seche Vite. I have never tried it. It’s expensive. I use Sally Hansen Clear Acrylic Top Coat. It sells at all your drugstores. Do 1 thin layer, let dry. Then do another thin layer just on  your nail tip and then another thin layer that runs the entire length of the nail ( hope that made sense). Basically you will do 2 1/2 layers…got it? Please make sure its thin, otherwise you will find little bubbles.

6.) Smudged? No problem. I learned this trick from one of the besties Kelli. Lick your finger, and gently rub it over the smudged area until it blends in. Once dry, add a very thin layer of topcoat.

7.) If possible sit still for 30 min. to allow everything to dry well. If you are in a hurry after 5 minutes dip fingers in a bowl of cold water to set…but still be a little careful.

8.) Get you a good pair of rubber gloves for cleaning and doing dishes, and reapply a thin topcoat every other day or so.

9.) Have fun. Try different combinations. Paint nails different colors. Express yourself!

*NO, I was not compensated for this post. Since I have to post everyday and I was painting my nails I thought this would be some good info to pass along…Now go forth and paint your nails*

Do you paint your nails often. Have any additional tips you want to add? What is your favorite nail color right now?


Its Award Season Part II

I was tagged by Destiny over at Home is Where the Heart Is.

I am fairly new to her blog and I enjoy reading about her adventures as a new wife, starting over in a new city. Her outlook on life is inspiring, and the food she cooks looks really good!

Thanks Destiny!

Now as a part of her link up I have to give 10 random things about myself..Here goes

1.) I am an only child

2.) I despise anything that deals with hair. Washing, drying, hair salons etc. Shameful seeing that I have a ton of it.

3.) I have recently fallen in love with crafting hairbows (post of my creations to come). Who knew a glue gun could be sooooo therapeutic

4.) I have gained a love for baking and crafting, thanks to Pinterest (are you following me? Link to your right!!)

5.) I get easily flustered when I have alot of things that need to be done. I am learning to sort them out into smaller tasks and attack the most important ones first…

6.) I ALWAYS start things and never finish them. That trait is coming to an end very soon.

7.) I have 132 bottles of nail polish. Yes, I counted them and on average I add 2 new bottles a week.

8.) I want to open a small high end children’s consignment shop in the next 3 years..Wish me luck!

9.) I am about to start a slow redo of things in my home based on DIY’s and other crafting projects I come across on Pinterest. See, I’m sort of addicted to the site.

10.) If I said it then I meant it.

Now to link up with 10 other blogs.

Don’t Disturb This Groove < She Crafts!!!!!!

Prototype Mama <She crafts too!!!!!!

My Life


A Single Mother’s Journey

Beach Coast Style

Don’t Get Excited, It’s Just Me

Her Perfect Black Dress

La Lynns

The Mrs. The Mommy. The M.D.

Two more installments to go!!


It’s Award Season Part I

I am so grateful for all of you who stop by here to read. I really am. It is humbling to be a blogger and remember a day when you were writing to yourself to later find yourself with hundreds of readers (I’m not quite there, but I’m optimistic). This past week I was given 4 blog awards. Initially I thought I would combine them all in one post but I’m not. So the next few posts will be thanking the awesome ladies who passed the award along and me paying it forward to other awesome bloggers you all should be reading if you are not already. I am actually glad because I read so many blogs and I get the opportunity to share them all with you..I actually put them all in a cup and  pulled them randomly. I just want to be fair.

I received my first Liebster-blog award from KalleyC over at Blogging While Nursing. I am so grateful. I like a blog that can make me think about some of the more pressing issues of parenthood. I’m not the best at writing these types of things but I will surely put my $.02 in on another blog. KalleyC makes me think. I like that.

 This award is supposed to recognize blogs that have under 200 followers. I’m telling you now some of mine will have over. These are listed in no particular order. I just like them a whole lot!

1.) Being Mrs. Jones

2.) Saywhatyouwanna

3.) 3 P’s of Me

4.) Baby Shopaholic

5.) Mommy This and That

Come back Tuesday for more blog love! Thanks again Kalley


Angelina Ballerina–A Glossy Review

For those of you who read and have toddler age children you are well aware that a trip to the store, mall, or anywhere where you need to get something accomplished and you forget snacks or something to do for the baby you are setting yourself up for failure.

I have been know to drag my iPad to the store, dentist office or any place where a toddler meltdown is likely. I have downloaded many apps to appease Lil Mama and even Lil 6 he can get a little antsy too.

I was happy to be given the opportunity to review Angelina Ballerina’s Bubble Pop! game. This is a new app that is available for the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Like I needed anything else to be hooked to, I think I liked the app more than the kids. The goal is to pop bubbles with images in them that match what Angelina is thinking about via a bubble over her head…hope that made sense!

The baby loved it. Of course she was not following the rules just popping bubbles and then she would laugh hysterically…#win. I won’t tell you I got totally off task playing the timed version. Read more about the app below.

Set! Pop! Angelina Ballerina’s Bubble Pop! Game App for iPad®,
iPhone®, and iPod touch® now available in the iTunes App
Store around the world. The Angelina Ballerina’s Bubble Pop! game
app is an engaging interactive game featuring Angelina Ballerina™,
everyone’s favorite mouseling, with 3D animation, two modes of game play and
captivating sound effects and music.

can help Angelina Ballerina gather flowers for her bouquet by popping the
bubbles as they float from the sky.  To earn points, players need to act fast
and pop the bubbles before they fall in the garden.  The game has two modes,
timed and classic, so there are twice as many ways to enjoy the bubbly

Angelina Ballerina’s Bubble Pop! game app is available for a special
introductory price of $0.99 USD/£0.69 GBP from the App Store on iPad, iPhone or
iPod touch at

* I was provided a free copy of the app for my review. Thoughts are my own. You already know*