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Soft & Precious–A Glossy Review

For quite some time I had been looking for a product that I could use on my daughters hair. I had tried Miss Jessies Curly Pudding via a sample that I received and although it did well I wasn’t crazy about the build up that it left on her hair and at $30 a jar, I need no mishaps.

Just when it was time for me to purchase a new hair product for her Soft & Precious sent me a wonderful basket full of their baby products. The basket included nursery jelly, baby oil, bath wash/shampoo, and a hair dress along with some other goodies to include a $25 Visa gift card. I’ve seen the products in Walmart but mixed in with the 50 million other baby products I had never tried it. Not to mention they have re-branded and have a new look.

I must say I was pleasantly surprised at how well all of the products worked. The light smell of lavender lingers hours after the product has been applied.The hair dress was light, not greasy and moisturized her hair very well. The baby oil and petroleum jelly performed similar to other brands but I was smitten with the scent on this product in comparison to others. I’m not ashamed to say that the Mr. and I are also using the products. *shrugs*

If you are one of those individuals who scrutinize  labels for ingredients and the like you may be turned off. There was a whole lot of stuff that I couldn’t pronounce in some of the products but I’m not picky that way. Also, if you don’t like highly fragranced items then this might not be the product for you. I happened to love the scent, but if I didn’t like the smell I could see it being a deal breaker. It’s one of those things that you have to make your own judgement call on. As for me, I will definitely be using these products again. Next time you are in Walmart or your local drugstore swing by the baby care aisle and have a look and smell and decide for yourself.

The Glossy Meter: Dull / Lack Lustre/ Shiny/High Gloss

*I was provided full size product samples along with a $25 Visa gift card for my personal thoughts on these products. These gifts in no way had an impact on my written opinion*

You can find Soft & Precions on  Facebook


Happy Memorial Day!!

As we set out to “officially” start our summer it is imperative that we stop and give thought and thanks to the many who have served and are serving. Without their sacrifices we wouldn’t have it nearly as well as we do. While there is yet so far to travel in getting our country together we are so much further than others. Today I say thank you.

…so I know I am probably late but last night I saw the AT&T commerical where the guy is early to the flash mob. HE.LARIOUS! In case some of you are just as late as I am, I have attached it below for your viewing pleasure. I also added in two other funnies for your enjoyment.

Have a great day, be safe, and make me a plate!


Photos & Cheerios

Awhile back I mentioned that my dad passed down his old Canon Rebel and prior to receiving the camera I never took much interest in photography. Well since I’ve had the camera I literally cannot put it down. I am finding myself reading instructional information online and taking tons of photos of anything or anyone who will stand still long enough…poor kids.

I have posted a small amount of photos that I’ve taken on my personal Facebook page and the feedback has been awesome. I have even gotten a couple of requests. The love has been so great that I am thinking of starting my own photography business…maybe.

For the next two weeks I have decided to link up with SITS on their Spring Into Action Photo Challenge. I said all of that to say you will probably be seeing a lot of photos the next two weeks because I will have to post them as a part of my daily challenges. I’m not normally the “link up” type of girl but I am really trying to learn as much as I can to see if I indeed want to step out on my own with this.

Oh, and during these challenges if you can provide some feedback I will be your best friend!

Today’s Challenge involved taking a photo from different perspectives or viewpoints, chosing 3 photos, and editing one of the photos with a free program. Below is my masterpiece.



I edited the small one in the middle in Picnik. Here it is outside of the collage


Feedback…please be seriously honest!