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Automated Drive thru


Forced Technology | Where is the Drive-Thru Teller?!

This is a Rant.

This morning, after getting the children off to school I find my way to the bank for my first errand of the day. I saw this, and it stopped me dead in my tracks…..

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Ummm….where is the teller?

I have so many issues with this. Like most of you, I can’t vividly recall the last time I pulled up to the teller to handle my transactions…okay it was last week at the Credit Union. My point is while I don’t use the drive thru teller often I enjoy having the option. Multiple transactions or the desire to not have my money spit back at me multiple times because the automatic feeder didn’t accept it sits aloft  on my list of reasons to forgo the ATM and utilize the teller.

Let’s take convenience out of the picture. What about the disabled  or Sweet Mama who likes her independence but would prefer not to go in the bank due to her bad knees and makes her weekly trek to the bank to deposit her check via the drive thru.

What about the person that can’t really read but knows enough to sign their name and slide their ID along with their check into the vacuum and send it on its way where the sometimes friendly teller awaits on the other end to do the majority of the work.

Maybe I’m reading to much into it, but to me it is just a show that personal interaction will eventually be non existent in exchange for positive bottom lines and more efficient business practices that only benefit corporate while the rest of us are left in long lines behind the car of the person trying to figure all of this out, or waiting for a parking space at a banking center that already doesn’t have adequate parking because Sweet Mama now needs to take her precious time going in the bank.

I don’t know. I’m “Ranting and Rambling” at this point. What are your thoughts? Is forcing technology a good thing?