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New York Hilton


Obligatory Post #BlogHer12 Post

Unless you’ve been under a rock, and haven’t been by here, or on Twitter, or on Instagram, or on Facebook I am returning from my inaugural trip to the holy Grail of all blogger conferences better known as BlogHer. I spent the last 4 days in NYC meeting blogger friends in real life and I was very fortunate to connect with some new bloggy BFFs.

To be completely honest I don’t really know where to start to offer a recap of my experience, so please charge it to the game if I seem a bit all over the place with this and forthcoming posts.

So to start somewhere seeing that I measure most things by the value received based on my dollars spent I will say the trip was well worth the money invested. When I spend my money I want to feel that the organizers value my dollar as much as I do. From the Obama and Martha Stewart appearances to the quality of food that was served I almost feel bad for paying as little as I did for my early bird rate.

Then there are some values that we receive that just can’t be quantified and that my friends would be the social aspect. Just meeting so many new faces and being able to connect faces with blogs, and spend time talking to people who “get blogging” it was inspiring and just downright fun…and you know your girl is ALWAYS down for a good time.

To keep these posts to a minimum length and keep y’all from zoning out on me I’ll take the whole week to recap my experience with a series of posts

  • Who I met
  • What I learned
  • Where I partied
  • When I stepped away from BlogHer to explore the city
  • Why I would attend BlogHer again..The Good.The Bad.The Ugly
  • How I plan to implement what I learned

I’m glad to be home and ready to head into the fall. My son went back to school today so my summer has unofficially come to an end, but at least it went out with a bang.

Since I’ve been out of the loop, what have you guys been up to?