I missed last week because the weather was nasty and I couldn’t get outside to take pictures but I’m back this week rocking sweatpants and high heels!

These pants are proof that trends are cyclical. I bought these pants in 2000. They came with a track jacket that had Bebe across the back. I thought it was the flyest set ever. However in the span of 13 years and endless amounts of moving the jacket got lost in the shuffle, however the pants have been loyal along the journey. I actually use them as my house pants and if they didn’t have paint stains on them I would probably rock them outside but in their current state they are only good for Style Me Friday photos taken in my backyard!! The jacket is equally as old. I think I purchased it with my first paycheck at my first real job…AHHHHH..that’s my slide down the rabbit hole memory lane!

Look Back at it….Look Back at it

The pants even have a little zipper on the side to turn them into more of a bootcut..Yes, my feet are ashy
Jacket: Bebe Shirt: Rock & Repbulic Pants: Bebe Shoes: Sole Society
Make sure you head over to Eboni’s house see what the other ladies came up with