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Summer Weekend

Summer Vacation Week 2- A Trip to DC

This past week was crazy to say the least.

My Aunt, my father’s sister passed away and I decided to take the children with me to DC to attend the funeral. Unfortunately because of the short time frame the plane tickets were too expensive for all of us so I decided a road trip was in order.

My father didn’t want me to take the trip alone with the kids, as my husband had a previous engagement that he needed to attend in Miami so my father flew from Las Vegas to Atlanta and drove up with us.

With no prior engagements on my calendar we set out for DC on Thursday to do a little sightseeing before the funeral on Saturday.




Outside of the circumstances for our visit we had an great time taking in some of the sights and seeing old friends and family members during our short time there.

Friday we visited the Aquatic Gardens which is like an oasis in the middle of the city. Raw unbothered habitat is right up my father’s alley…and he was all in with his camera. Disclaimer: My father retired from National Geographic so there is some background on why he had us in the hot sun for about an hour snapping photos of turtles and lilly pads and geese.


Leaving there we made a few different stops checking out some of the sights that DC has to offer to include riding the new Capital Wheel at the National Harbor. I’ll just say I’m not about that height life at 35. I was a complete and nervous wreck the entire time. They lift you up and then you sit there suspended while they let other people on. Glad to say I did it once….cause




National Harbor

We slid by the Jefferson, Lincoln, World War II and Martin Luther King Memorials as well as the Monument.







…and no AKA could be 5 blocks from Howard University and not visit the AKA tree at the founding place of their beloved Sorority. I had to do it.


Saturday we spent with family before waking and getting back on the road Sunday around 8 to get back home. We landed back in ATL around 8p.

Again, outside of the circumstances it was great catching up with old family members and meeting new ones. Family really and truly is the backbone of EVERYTHING and I’m glad we took the trip to pay our respects.

I’m tired and the week ahead is full. My father will be here until Thursday so I will be scarce around the interwebs but make sure you come back tomorrow. I’m revealing the accent wall and Curtainworks curtains that I recently installed in the kitchen.

How was your weekend? Anything spectacular?