Hi Friends,
Just getting around to posting for the week. My weekend was non stop and crazy. Nothing exceptionally exciting but jam packed. I photographed my good friend Niya. She is being featured in a magazine highlighting women entrepreneurs and she needed a photo for the magazine cover. I am thrilled that they liked the photo I took and decided to use it. I also did the photography for a cotillion all day Sunday. All day.
Divinitee is moving along. I hit a moment of discouragement last week and had to remind myself that all things take hard work. Cried some tears, devised a new plan and I’m back at it. I am glad to say that Fearless is pretty much sold out!!!! It is now reordered and will be back in stock by the end of the week for those who have contacted me. I also now have a blog banner for those who have inquired. If you’re still interested in letting me hold up a piece of your sidebar real estate let me know. I’m working to get affiliate links done so I can show my thanks…but give me a minute.
I’m in the process of applying to online schools with hopes of becoming an adjunct professor. I was a bit perturbed to find that I am no longer active in the school’s system and had to reapply to get a copy of my transcripts. Teaching online is something that I have wanted to do for awhile so I am fervently seeking out those opportunities. If you know of some…share the wealth!
I am in the throes of potty training and ……I need help. I don’t even remember what I did with my son. S.O.S. I need suggestions!
I’ve been thrifting, I am going to get a thrift haul video up this week…my greatest find the other week was a brand new pair of BCBG sandals for $10. I told y’all to get some of this thrift game.
The Weather!!!!! It is going to be in the 80s for the rest of the week. I spent this past evening outside with my neighbors watching the children play in the cul-de-sac, and we may or may not have guzzled down a bottle of Moscato while doing so. I am looking forward to the lazy hazy days of summer. I am thinking we will take a few mini trips this summer instead of a huge vacation. That way I can be cheap and plan accordingly!
Now, y’all know I am far from an event planner and details are a weak point yet Trina and I are in the process of planning an incredible event for a great cause for those of you in the Atlanta area, I’m also working on a baby shower, and Lil Mama’s party. That being said my comments on your blogs may be slight the next few weeks but I’m going to get around (not like that) I promise!
I have an awesome giveaway coming up soon..Make sure you check back early next week.
Oh, and I’m going to BlogHer if you haven’t seen my blog bling to your right. I can’t wait to meet all of my NYC besties in my head. Are you going?
About that March photo a day challenge…Yeah, I’ll catch y’all in April…maybe.
Welp, that’s all I got. What’s good in your hood or ‘burb.
Bored? Sorry.
March 14, 2012 at 4:25 amYou are so busy already! Adjunt professor??
I am loving this weather!! I’ll be picking Pookah up early from school this week when i can so we can enjoy the sunshine! And this weekend, my parents are coming!! DATE NIGHT!!!
I can’t wait until BlogHer!!! Especially since I am going BY MYSELF!!! WHOO HOO!!!
Hopefully, I can come to the event you and Trina are planning. Ya’ll know how crazy my schedule is, but let me know and I will try!!
Legally Chocolat
March 14, 2012 at 8:08 amStay encouraged, because your tee’s are definitely what it is! I want to look into adjunct-ing as well. Just been too tired (lazy) to look into it wholeheartedly. Enjoy the rest of your week!!!
Mrs. Pancakes
March 14, 2012 at 8:50 amI love that you have so much going on…reading it makes me realize I better get on some of my goals…congrats on your photo being featured…
March 14, 2012 at 9:13 amYou’re one busy mommy! Wow potty training already…my hubby changed the toilet seats to include the potty seat and so Madison felt like she was using the potty instead of the “big toilet” and we switched to pull ups without going back to diapers because that confuses them.
I know Strayer University is huge for offering online classes you may want to check them out if you haven’t already.
Baby Shopaholic
March 14, 2012 at 11:01 amYou are too funny! Busy lady! Need to bust out that calender!
March 14, 2012 at 12:17 pmYay and some more yay about all the things you have going on! You are a blessed woman, my dear. I’ll be praying that a door will open for you with teaching. Sending *adjunct professor dust* your way! LOL
March 14, 2012 at 1:19 pmI too am potty training my 26 month old son…the thing is should I teach him to stand or sit down while peeing? Yes, that’s what this mama has been thinking about.
March 19, 2012 at 1:27 amWith my son I do remember teaching him to sit down first and then once he got that down, I started letting him go when his dad went and he got the picture. Potty training sucks!
Cam | Bibs & Baubles
March 14, 2012 at 1:58 pmCongrats on EVERYTHING you got going on, girl!!
I don’t even want to talk about potty training. My son is not working with me on that one. He’s like “no! don’t make me!” or he’ll sit there and do nothing and the minute he gets down, he pees… on the floor. Yeah, fun.
March 15, 2012 at 10:52 amPotty training has me SHOOK and I don’t want to think about it anymore.
I crossing my fingers and trying to make my nickels turn into a pot of gold so that I can attend Blog Her!
I know that Strayer is always looking. Also, a friend just picked up a gig with Univ of MD University College (UMUC). I’ll send you an email if I think of any others.
March 19, 2012 at 1:28 amDefinitely going to look into UMUC. I looked at that school when I was looking for an online Masters program. Thanks!
Prototype Mama
March 15, 2012 at 11:24 amI’m in the process of potty training my little M right now– she wasn’t doing to well but now I let her sit and watch Dora on my ipad while she’s doing her business and that seems to work–lol. Also just stay consistent— try to take her around the same times throughout the day and eventually she will just go without you telling her. oh! and no pull-ups– go directly to undies ( pull-ups keeps them comfortable so they wet more) oh! and take the potty out of the bathroom and put it somewhere like the hallway so she will just pass it and see it and then go— then slowly move it back into the bathroom. Just a couple of tips that my mother in law helped me with
She’s been in childcare for 30+ years– so that’s ALOT of potty training!
March 19, 2012 at 1:28 amStealing all of your suggestions!!
March 15, 2012 at 11:38 amAbout potty training, my advice is, don’t force the issue, She’ll go when shes ready like Jas is doing. I stopped trying to make her go and now she’s training herself and its being pretty consistant about it. I think she’ll be fully trained by next month and we can switch to the real panties instead of the pull ups. I just make sure I offer her the potty in the morning and random times throughout the day. She also goes and sits on her potty whenever i go tinkle. Thats whats actually working for us. No pressure is what’s best and lots of praise when she goes.
Yay on all other things. You’re doing great things babes! Keep it up!
March 16, 2012 at 7:55 amWell YAY that we will get to meet at BlogHer!
Congrats on your photo being published, you have got so much going on girl~!
I am so stuck on potty training my son right now, I can’t talk about it without wanting to bang my head on concrete
But like everyone says, I suppose we can’t force the issue, they will go when they are ready. I have been meaning to get one of your tees they are just awesome.
March 19, 2012 at 1:29 amI’m thinking its hard not to push the issue when people are always asking if you have started. I guess you have to be in tune with your own child and let things take place naturally. I’m telling you though, I’m sick of buying and changing diapers!
Looms, Lids, and Layers
March 16, 2012 at 7:57 amYou do have a lot going on!! But it’s all worth it! I cannot wait to meet you! It may be before BlogHer because I will be down to visit my girl Trina soon so we all can do dinner! But for now, take breaks and think positive. Everything will fall into place. I cannot help you with potty training! I may be calling you next year to help me!
March 19, 2012 at 1:30 amYes!! Come, visit.
March 16, 2012 at 10:56 amyou are one busy woman indeed. your tees are inspirational so keep up the great work
March 19, 2012 at 1:30 amThanks. I appreciate it.
March 17, 2012 at 10:21 amGreetings! Both of my children (one boy and one girl) were trained before they turned two. I pick a weekend and put them in underwear, we stay in all weekend and by the end of the weekend I’m done with training. Good luck!
March 19, 2012 at 1:31 amI think I am going to give that a try. One weekend you say? I’ll let you know how it turns out!
Candace (NYStateofMom)
March 17, 2012 at 10:49 amProfessor MiMi!!! LOVE IT So glad the tee business is doing great I love rockin mine (maybe I need another)
March 19, 2012 at 1:31 amI miss you! I thought about you the other day. You better make time to see me when I come to NYC
Dre Davis
March 17, 2012 at 11:44 amWow, you are such a busy lady! I applaud you on all your efforts and accomplishments!
I can’t wait for Fearless to restock in a large. I’ve been eyeing it for quite some time now
I might even just order an X-large. Who knows? lol
I wish you the best in all of your endeavors, Mimi! (and good luck with the potty-training!)
March 19, 2012 at 1:33 amThank you! Some days I wish I weren’t so busy. I have you on my list, you will be the first to know when I get them back in stock! Thanks for stopping by.
March 17, 2012 at 10:43 pmWhoa you have been busy but that’s a good think. Can’t wait to order my fearless tshirt I will be checking online to see when they come in. And I would love to have you take up some space on my sidebar. Keep grinding
March 19, 2012 at 1:33 amI’ll be getting that ad over to you shortly!
Laila @OnlyLaila
March 17, 2012 at 10:51 pmBusy busy bee!
Check out higheredjobs.com they have a link to faculty positions.
Can’t wait to get my button for my blog- and I’m loving my Fearless shirt!
March 19, 2012 at 1:34 amI have been looking on highered and there is tons of stuff on there. I’m excited.
I will get you the button next week. Glad you like the shirt!
March 19, 2012 at 9:06 amGirl!! I was tired just reading this. But I know you got it under control. I would be glad to put your button, SD, etc on my sidebar. Just let me know.
With potty training we used a reward system and it helped. But honestly I think what helped the
most was that he got to wear the cartoon underwear and didn’t want
to get them wet. LOL
Online adjunct is pretty cool, as you know I’ve done it for a few years. Its a process to get in, but afterwards it fall into place. Good luck!
Melisa - Mommy This and That
March 20, 2012 at 10:28 pmYou are rocking and rolling! That is awesome…it’s been a minute since we’ve caught up with each other! And you are hitting the big leagues by attending BlogHer, mighty impressed!!