Sorry, in this post I will not be offering up any suggestions on how to get your (honey) boo boo to complete the list of things you gave him months ago. Instead this post is dedicated to sharing with you some of the awesome uses for honey when it comes to beauty treatments.
The past few days, Hurricane Sandy has caused some unseasonably cold temperatures to hit Atlanta and we had to turn on the heat. It was then I remembered how much my skin despises dry heat. I have been itching and applying lotion in obnoxious amounts since the heat has been on.
Between colder temps, wind, and heat our skin is sure to take a licking in the coming winter months. Good moisturizers don’t come cheap, so I was thrilled when I was sent some awesome all natural honey and beauty products from the National Honey Board and HollyBeth Organics.

New research is confirming that honey is a natural humectant that works wonders in attracting and retaining moisture in your skin. Honey, people. Not only is it good for your skin and tastes good but its affordable and all natural. No chemicals, or fragrances just good ‘ole honey made by bumble bees.
For the past two weeks I have been using the grits and honey scrub from HollyBeth organics and it has been amazing. At first I thought the honey on my face would be really sticky but it wasn’t. I made sure to keep my fingertips wet and it went on effortlessly. From the moment I put it on my skin it just looked well quenched and the miniscule granules from the grits gave just enough scrub to let me know it was working as an exfoliate.
HollyBeth teamed up with Amy, who is the founder of New Moon Skincare and Aviary here in Atlanta to create an awesome facial that is composed of products that are readily available and can be made at home. This facial is excellent for all skin types. I have only tried the grits and honey scrub as mentioned but I can’t wait to get my DIY on and make the other products. Sometimes its just good to go back to what’s natural.
If you want to give it a whirl here you go:

Here are a few other DIY Honey Spa Treatments that you can use to pamper yourself

The uses for honey are numerous. The National Honey Board‘s website offers up additional beauty tips, recipes and a location finder to assist you in finding specific types of honey in your area.
I have mentioned using honey to pre poo the baby’s hair but I didn’t know there were so many other uses, did you?
Will you be trying any of these beauty treatments?
This post has been sponsored by the National Honey Board and HollyBeth Organics. However, all opinions are mine. You already know!!!