Know how you have a project that you know needs to be done but the sheer thought of the amount of effort needed to make it happen, keeps you in “I’ll get to it” mode? That was my daughter’s closet. The layout was awkward the walls were damaged and scuffed and just down right tragic. But of course I wanted to work on something pretty and that pretty project ended up being these DIY gold plastic hangers. Don’t let the pretty fool you though, this took a little figuring out but the end result was perfect.
DIY Gold Plastic Hangers
With her room having touches of gold I thought it would be a great idea to carry that trend into her closet. Initially I thought about doing the rod and then decided to do the hangers, I mean how hard is it to just spray paint hangers. There is a method to every form of madness and after wasting about 2 cans and not getting the results I wanted, I slowed down and came up with a plan that wouldn’t waste as much paint and help me get the flawless gold finish on the hangers that I wanted.
Tips for Spray Painting Hangers
Use a good spraypaint: I used Rustoleum double cover, it was about $3.67 a can. One coat was like two and I didn’t need to prime before or coat afterward
Lay your item(s) on cardboard: Initially I laid them on plastic and when I over sprayed and the pooled paint dried it would look like this on the opposite side when I lifted it up. If this happens lightly scrape the dried paint off and start again…but just put it on cardboard or something hard, trust me.
Pay attention to the areas that will be seen: To be mindful of the amount of paint I was using I decided to really concentrate on getting good coats on the areas that would be seen. On a hanger it’s not imperative to have the bottom as completely covered as it is the hook and edges.
Keep the strokes light and even: I strongly suggest investing $4 into getting one of those spray paint nozzles, it makes it so easy to make light and even coats. Think less is more, do two or three very light coats instead of two heavy ones
Use a clear coat if you like. While I did not coat mine with a clear spray I do intend to. I’m sure you are wondering if they have chipped, or rubbed off on the clothing. No and no. I do make sure to handle them with care and there are a few nicks where I have scraped with my fingernail but nothing due to sliding the clothing off and on. I am thrilled with the results.
Use white hangers: Because I just wanted to get this project completed, when the store didn’t have white hangers I grabbed the pink. Unless you are in the mood to spend extra time and money, if there are no white ones available keep looking. It took nearly two coats just to get a decent cover over the pink.
Check out the full closet reveal and her entire bedroom makeover here.
So are you up for making these DIY Gold Plastic Hangers? Let me know if you give this project a try.