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Life Me


It happens to the best of us.

We hear or see spectacular things happening in the lives of others and before we know it we’ve swerved out of our lane, craning our necks to see what’s going on in theirs.

I keep it real here, so its nothing but pure honesty that I come here and say that I have been swerving a bit more for my liking these past few weeks. Questioning why things are happening for some people and not for me, envisioning myself in someone else’s shoes. I hate to call it envy but sometimes you literally have to tell the truth and shame the devil. *slaps the table and in my Iyanla voice yells, “Call a thing a thing.”*

Source: Uploaded by user via L on Pinterest


See, the thing is as emotional humans it is virtually impossible to at times not envision yourself in someone else’s shoes, or find yourself possibly trying to alter your path to hopefully get the same end result as another person. We may deep down inside know and believe that God has a specific plan detailed with our name on it but in that minute when you got that call and that person needed you to be happy for them and you instead had to swallow that gulp in your throat and wonder why not me……Don’t act. You know what I’m talking about.

The beauty of living is that we can wallow in those feeling for a short time before coming back to our senses and allow ourselves to reflect on past life lessons that have taught us that everything that glitters “ain’t” gold and that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Getting to this place takes dedication and a desire to live YOUR best life.

Just like when driving a car, when we get distracted from the task at hand which is driving to our destination we can easily find ourselves drifting off into someone else’s space. It is that quick reflex that causes us to react on the road that we also need to implement in our lives. The sad thing is some people don’t know to go back in their lane they just “Debo” their way into a space that was not meant for them. Not sure what “Debo” means, reference the movie Friday. Still not familiar? Maybe check the urban dictionary?

I’m back in my lane now, I was even polite and turned on my blinker cause forget swervin’, I was all in their lane!!

The truth shall set you free. Are you guilty of swerving?

Home Life


….the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. Not the singer

We would all like to go twirling through life with no issues and know where every piece of the puzzle will land and the precise time at which it will do so.

Not so.

If you follow me on Instagram, on Sunday you may have seen the photo I posted of us picking out the lot for our new home. No, it was not the one I posted last week and at this time I have decided to only reveal bits and pieces of this process because this has been the result of MANY years of praying and crying and wondering why it was happening for others and not me and finally getting to a place where I was comfortable being happy for others and thanking God for where I was even if it wasn’t where I wanted to be.

I am still in such awe that this is actually happening and there are yet two major hurdles in front of us that we are believing God for. As we cross those hurdles I will share as a testimony and not as a look what I am getting. So many of us are going through and just need to see God working in other people’s lives to be reminded that He sees after His children cause God knows I had to learn to appreciate God moving in other people’s lives to learn to be happy with my own life.

The next 5 months of my life are going to be a true testament to what looks impossible. We’ll all rejoice on December 14, 2012. I don’t how we’ll get there but I’m believing. That’s all I can I do.


While I was driving the other day I heard “Nothing Yet” and  it came back to me today and I couldn’t remember who sang it so thanks to Latorsha over at Life is Hard, Laugh Anyway for replying to this tweet…

[blackbirdpie url=”″]

…and just in case you need to hear you go!!

and a huge thanks to Amber at The Yeyo Diaries and Erika at Blulabel Bungalow 😉 I was having an awful day and these ladies were on it. When you don’t have sense enough to pray and believe you need some folks on your team that will get you back in line. I’m grateful.

What’s been pushing the limits of your faith?!!

Life Mimi Relationships

What’s REALLY on Your Mind?!!

The 5Ws and H of writing often extend themselves into our personal lives. If you need a refresher that would be who, what, where, when, why and how.

We’re always searching and reaching for what we are “supposed” to be doing. What is our purpose in life, how do we get there, who should we be networking with, why has our life taken its current direction. If we don’t trust our own selves and our ability to make and move ourselves in the proper direction then there are two other very viable resources that we often overlook.

God and our close friends….

I’ll leave the preaching for another time, yet some of us know the still small voice is always there. We just aren’t listening.

In the meantime…

Our closest friends and people around us be it virtual or IRL often see potential in us that we don’t see. This morning I was talking with my very good friend Erika, and we were discussing what our next steps would be and she mentioned to me something that she always saw me doing. Something that I can say I have considered but hearing her say it almost solidified it for me that it was a direction that I needed to be moving in.

Sad to say sometimes other people are more in tune with our talents than we are. We can be so critical and at times so sure of ourselves that we miss the most brilliant and equally unattractive things about our own being.

With that being said, there is a thin line between being what people think you should be and who you really are, and finding medium ground is key. However, I always find it interesting to hear what other people think of me and their criticisms be it good or bad.

I’m just curious what do you think of me based on what you “know”? When was the last time you opened yourself up to someone else’s thoughts of you? We’re talking the good and bad here..Let’s go!



So You Know its Real?

If you’ve traveled the blogosphere you are well versed in the reality that different people blog about different things. Some lead fantastic lives and live in dust free homes, while the rest of us just move the clutter out of the way , choose to see the light at the end of the tunnel even if its only a pinhole, and others are just Debbie Downers

..and that’s fine.

One thing that baffles me is when people get upset or express their disdain for people who don’t *does the quotation thingy with my fingers* keep it real in their tweets, or on their blog.

This is the thing. If you’ve walked this earth long enough you know there isn’t a person alive that hasn’t seen sorrow and trouble as well as triumph and happiness. Not everyone chooses to dwell on those things. Writing and pining over those things does nothing for me. I’ll read yours but I choose not to put my energy into those things other than trying to find a resolution when it comes to my own life.

If a person wants to write about rainbows and unicorns…let them. If you’re so caught up in your realness that you can’t be happy for someone else…don’t read.

What’s real to one person isn’t another person’s reality and the REAL is not everyone lives a sad and awful life, some of us are living and rolling with the punches no matter how hard they hit…I don’t know about y’all but I bobs and weaves in my skinny jeans and wedges…and I don’t care what anyone thinks about it.

Yeah, I have obstacles. I stumble. I trip. I fall dead on my face. You’ll never know. I’ll share what I feel, but it will never be so anyone else knows its real. I know its real.

*slams the piano shut*

*curtsies and turns on heels*

Do you feel the need to let folks know all of the good and bad in your life?