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Life Random

‘Round Here

If you were a fan of Memphis Bleek with his fine self back in the day you totally get the title of this post.

I digress. I haven’t done a random post about my life’s happenings in awhile so here you go. You’re welcome.

You care.

Lil Mama is talking up a storm. Amazing how one day they have no words and then… Here are are some of her favorite things to say:

” Cake it off” = Take it off

“Sanwish” = Sandwhich

“Opi it” = Said as something is thrust in your face to open. Usually something she has no business with like, Ms. Jessie’s Curly Pudding, soap, candy etc.

“Put on” = usually used to indicate she wants her shoes on or lipgloss. Yes lipgloss. I’m creating a monster

“No” = Usually said to everything, including things when she really means yes

“Sear e ale” = Cereal

” A Biolet” = Violet..the little toy dog.

” A Pincess” = A Princess

“Earwing” = Earring

That’s all I can think of for now.

Lil Man is doing good in school. He is being tested for gifted in a couple of weeks. He is getting better and better at the piano. Its almost like something just clicked. Basketball is over so I am going to put him in an individual sport. I want him to take tennis but he has requested golf, so golf it is.

His attitude and talking back has gotten better. I would like to think its my mastering of the famous, ” Who you talking to” and soul piercing eye glance that I now dish out that has him on his A game.

Mr.’s foot is finally better. He has rid himself of the walking boot although I really think he had another few weeks. I just said to him, ” It will be real tragic if you re injure yourself.”

I am working on building Divinitee. It is a process and I understand it will be a slow walk but I am anxious to see what I can build of this. Thank you all for your support.

Welp, I think that’s it for the randoms. What’s good in your hood or burb?


Kindness for Weakness?

My husband is convinced that at times I am just way too nice, and people take that as a form of weakness. While I will admit I have a propensity to accept tasks that I would rather not do, I do them in the name of helping others. If someone asks me to do something, I figure they need my help and while I have the option of saying no, I just like to think about if I was in the same situation would I want someone to help me.

I could care less if people are “taking advantage of me” knowingly or unknowingly. I think the good in my life shows that I have been rewarded for being genuine in my intentions to help others.  I don’t have the time to count what I have done in relation to what others have done for me. You do go good, you get good. Karma anyone?

Source: via Louisa on Pinterest

Mr. is still hung up on the idea that I need to know when to shut it down, not answer my phone or just blatantly say no. I am slowly getting there. Not out of the fact that I feel like people are taking advantage of me but merely because as I begin the process of building my brand and continuing to grow the blog, taking care of my family, thrifting, grocery shopping, doing homework, being told no constantly by a near 2 year old, cooking, washing and folding laundry and a whole plethora of other things…I just don’t have the time.

..yet he made me think. Is kindness really a form of weakness. I don’t think so, but he is adament that it is. What do you say?

#teamMimi or #teamAdrian?


Just Be Thankful For What You Got

Excuse the dust. I’m trying to make some changes and I’m frustrated that I can’t find a layout that I like. It’ll be back pretty around these parts…eventually #carryon

*Diamond in the back, sunroof top….Y’all don’t know nothing about that. Nothing!*

The other night I had to go to the grocery store and as I was getting closer to home I started to complain in my head about the fact that I was going to have to unload all of the groceries, get the kids in the house and feed them and put the groceries up all by myself because the Mr. got called in to work.

Then it hit me. While I’m sitting there complaining about the fact that I had to lug a significant amount of groceries in the house that were paid for without Peter missing any of his coins in an effort to pay Paul I felt bad. As if I really wasn’t being taught a lesson Mr. came home while I was feeding the children and the groceries were still all over the floor. Without a word he started to clean out the refrigerator and put up all of the groceries without me asking.

I’m ungrateful.

Seriously. Mad because I have groceries to eat, healthy kids, a decent car from which to pull these groceries and a door that belongs to me in which to stick and turn my key. Reality check homie.

                                                                                             Source: via Mimi on Pinterest





I don’t have time for my own foolery. I urge you daily to take inventory of ALL that you have. No matter how bad we may think our situation or minor discomforts are there are so many people who have bigger and lesser fish to fry.

Are you active in your community assisting the less fortunate? I am not as active as I would like but I am going to make sure I get out and do more. Sometimes we need reality checks..they pay the best.

Be honest. Lately, what have you taken for granted?


Life Parenting


I’m a realist…depending on the day.  The gears that churn in my head are always moving. ALWAYS. So last week when I found myself stressed out I really took some time to see what I can do to prevent myself from going off on on these tangents from time to time. I eventually came to the conclusion that feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of life and  these emotions come. The integral part in getting through these times is knowing that they are temporary and refusing to wallow in the depths of despair for day/months/years at a time. I give myself a max of 5 days and then I have to get up and do something. Too much to be thankful for.

While in my feelings, I came to the epiphany that alot of my anxiety comes from not wanting to be like my mother. Yes, that’s what I said. I love my mother, she was a wonderful mother and set many examples..some to be followed others not so much.

As parents we make decisions and teach our children based on our life experiences. We teach them what we know. As they grow into adulthood it is up to them to learn what in those lessons works and what doesn’t.

My mother had a hard time letting go of the past, and was known for starting and not finishing things. She left this earth with many of her dreams written in journals that I recently spent time reading. Nothing was exceptionally difficult, but she couldn’t let go of hiccups in her past and as a result she was never able to move forward.

It hit me. Sometimes the best things we learn from our parents is not to be like them, and there is nothing wrong with that. I am terrified that I will leave here like my mother did, never completing any of my dreams. I know this sounds crazy but it’s so true. As I watched my mother hold on to so many trivial things from her past I learned early on that I never wanted to be like that. I never wanted people to have that sort of control over me. While they’re sleeping on 198,523,936 thread count sheets, drooling and snoring I’m seething mad. NEVER.

                                                                                       Source: Uploaded by user via Mimi on Pinterest


My children need to know that they can do anything they set their minds to. The pressure is on my husband and I to not only tell them this but to set a tangible example. They need to know all people won’t hurt them, and if someone does they must move on and categorize that person as such and not limit themselves by thinking everyone else is the same. I’m just thankful I havebeen able to conjure up the strength to move beyond what I was shown as a child and make my own way.   I’m sure there will be many things that we will do wrong as  parents but I pray that the children are able to see and rectify those things in their adult lives.

What did your parent(s) teach you that you vow to not pass on to your children? Are you there yet? Hard isn’t it.