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Christmas at Unlikely Market

I mean, I’m pretty sure at this point mentioning Thanksgiving is just a technicality as seeing November occurs before December.

Christmas is everywhere, and Unlikely Market has lots of great gift ideas in addition to an array of Christmas decor trimmings. Get your Christmas orders in and beat the rush.

I’m giving y’all free shipping on any order over $30 with code UMFREE!

Here are some of Unlikely Market’s top 5 best sellers over the past few weeks. These all make great gift ideas

Chambray cap

Chambray Monogrammed Cap


Acrylic Monogrammed Necklace | shown in large sized gold mirrored circle font

Santa Sack

Santa Gift Sacks


Wine Bags


Monogrammed Cuff

We have not because we ask not. Would you all minding hitting the share button and sharing your favorite Unlikely Market finds on your social channels throughout the holidays?!


I’ll love you forever.

Follow on Instagram and Facebook at Unlikely Market.

See you tomorrow…..cause NaBloPoMo





Living Video

The Snaps of Life

I missed last week. This week contains Snapchat snippets from the last two weeks.

Catch all of my daily happenings on Snapchat at UnlikelyMartha. You can also catch me on Instastories here and there at UnlikelyMartha!


See you tomorrow….cause NaBloPoMo!


Bloggers Night Out

The Blogalicious Conference was in Atlanta this weekend and with its visit it brought one of my  favorite blogger boos Amber to town.

A few of us decided to gather together for a fun girls night out to catch up. The awesome part was we ended our night going around the table speaking our goals and plans for the remainder of 2016 and our main goals for 2017.

A circle of friends that feed into your spirit and are honest and share their knowledge and love is priceless. While we are all so different, we all have something to offer one another.

Find your tribe and love them!

If you haven’t had a girls night out in a minute make it a priority. Those few hours energized me for the weeks ahead!

See you tomorrow…..cause NaBloPoMo!


Living Mompreneur

Five Things To Consider Before Starting an Online Business

My recent venture into e-commerce entrepreneurship has been an incredible ride. I entered into the venture knowing it wouldn’t be easy but it was some of the more simple things that tripped me up in comparison to the more difficult aspects that I was sure would take your girl out.

If you are thinking about starting an online business here  are a few of my tips and things you need to consider before venturing out. I’m not an expert by far but had I thought out some of these items prior to starting I could’ve saved my self some time. Some things you won’t know aren’t useful until you try them but taking a few minutes to think out these simple things may save you a bit of sanity.


There are so many platforms out there, all have different fees, features and attributes. I’m not an expert by far on helping you pick one but this post really helped me decide on going with Shopify.

While there are other cheaper alternatives there are things that I thought I would need once my store got larger like reporting and integrated apps. After a whole lot of not knowing I finally pulled the trigger on Shopify and I haven’t regretted it. When making the decision on a platform consider what  features you  will need once your venture grows instead of where you are right now. I would rather grow into a platform than have to adjust when the risks and costs associated are more involved.


All platforms and templates are different. If you are not able to have someone design the website for you, and you are going for the DIY look, plan as much as you can before you start to build.  If you will be offering products that come in a number of colors and sizes try drawing a mock up of what your website needs to say and do. Think through the what ifs and have someone else check your options ensuring they make sense to someone not connected to your vision. You want your site to be user friendly and asking someone for their opinion may help you catch something you would’ve missed.


Just posting your products to Instagram and Facebook and hoping the sales will roll in is not how any of this works. Strategy is a large part of growing a successful online business. Tap into — USEFUL groups. Do not just tap into these groups and suck out all you can, be active. Bring your expertise and questions. Entrepreneurship is a difficult thing and connecting with like minds in a supportive setting will boost your morale and force you to keep going when you want to throw in the towel.


More than likely you will find your audience will evolve past who you thought they would be or they may turn out to be completely different, the key is to start somewhere. Starting an online business doesn’t give you the luxury of hoping your ideal customer will walk by and stop in like a brick and mortar business. You will have to go find your customer, grab their attention and get them to buy. If you don’t have a clue who you are looking for it will be very difficult to market to them. Be open to redefining your audience if you find something doesn’t work but have an audience in mind before you start. One thing we highly recommend doing as your audience base grows, is investing into a business telecoms system such as Gamma Horizon. This will help your audience see that you are a professional business with professional systems in place.


Stick with me. With the growth of online business and Etsy shops if you look closely you will find that often Etsy shops are marketed as small businesses with a mom or creative individual at the helm. They tell us about their families and share a peek into their lives. This somehow makes us want to support them because of the personal connection.

On the other hand some would rather have their business be seen as just that without the personal aspect. There is nothing wrong with either, however I suggest you decide what it will be when starting. I believe this affects how you will market and plays a part in your strategy and what your online copy and other business correspondence will look like.

Experience is the best teacher, I enjoy connecting with individuals who are honest about their entrepreneurial journey. I hope I have offered you a little something to think about or gave you a starting point. If I can be of any further help shoot me an email or leave a question in the comments!

See you tomorrow….cause NaBloPoMo!