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Holidays Living

oh christmas tree

So I mentioned earlier in the week that we are going to start a tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree and I am proud to say that the Mr. is on board.

We still have family in town so it will likely be next week before we can get around to it but I am so excited to start a new tradition for our family. I am slowly pulling out the Christmas decorations and I have every intention to have the house decked out by the end of the weekend.

We’ll see

Have you put up your tree yet?





Holidays Living

in all things give thanks

Another successful Thanksgiving is in the books.

We came, we ate, we laughed and did what families do.

In this season of thanks, it always dons on me that the simplest of things are not promised to us and we should always have a spirit of gratitude.

As natural as it is for me to open my computer and create content for this online space, I am truly thankful that so many of you choose to connect with me and visit here frequently.

Thank you all for reading, sharing and for those of you who have become my “in real life” friends thank you for your genuine friendship and support.

I hope your Thanksgiving was well!



daily vlog | holiday prep

I’m struggling this last week of NaBloPoMo, but I am almost at the finish line and I will tell you blogging every day is not easy.

Today I thought I would shoot some short video clips of our day while out running errands. Let me know how you like it. I might do these more often, so much easier to edit and upload.

I present to you the greater part of our day in under 5 minutes!


weekends around here

This weekend I so desperately wanted to rest, it didn’t work out that way.

Friday we started off with a trip to Six Flags for Holiday in the Park.

Six Flags over Georgia Holiday in the Park

Saturday, I had a professional organizer come in to help us get the master bedroom closet together. My intentions were good but my execution in getting it together was poor. Our master closet is so small and now that we are making preparations for the master bathroom renovation completion the closet needs to get done first so we can lay the floor before the new closet is installed.

I don’t think I understood the importance of a professional organizer but OMG! She was amazing. As much as I can be orderly, I still get overwhelmed at large projects so I will be working with her throughout 2016 for a few of the larger storage projects I need to do.

Saturday evening, I ran a few errands but the stores were so crowded I just wanted to get back home. I made some chili and spent the evening watching The Wiz with the babies.

File Nov 22, 11 26 00 PM

Sunday, I woke early to catch that good morning light and took some photos of the most adorable family. When I saw the Hawk was out. It was so cold we had to cut the session a little short. Later that afternoon, I attended a sorority committee meeting and cooked dinner before retreating to my bed and stuffing my face with brownies.

I am really planning to lay low next week and get ready to host Thanksgiving. I still have shopping to do but I think I will send my husband, and I guess I need to remind him to take the turkeys out of the freezer tonight otherwise….

How was your weekend?