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weekends around here

To be totally honest, I’ve been having a hard time getting back in the swing of things and catching up since I was sick. I know I keep mentioning being sick but you know when Mama goes down, heaven help us all. The house is still a wreck, I’m still playing catch up instead of being on top of everything which is where I would prefer to be, but with so many obligations and just needing to take down time when I feel tired things haven’t gotten back on track as of yet but this week for sure.

Our weekends have been full of baseball and soccer games, baking, DIY projects and I got a new haircut.

My new hair was so needed. With a ton of responsibilities and active children, the last thing I want to do is be bothered with my hair. With the length it was so easy for me to just throw in a bun for weeks at a time and I was just over here looking a mess. So 7 inches at my longest layer and 10 at the shortest, I now have a little bob that I don’t have to do much with but give it a little fluff in the morning and go. Kind of excited to see what it will look like as a wash and go now that all of my dead and straight damaged ends are gone. I’ll keep y’all updated on that.

Other than that, we’ve been doing what families do, arguing, living, loving, and maintaining.



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Apple Pie recipe

Come back tomorrow for the recipe



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File Oct 19, 8 31 40 AM

My mudroom closet is officially under construction


What’s been going on in your world?

Living Vlog

Weekend Happenings + Vlog

This weekend was the kick off to my children’s Fall Break so there were no weekend activities and it felt good to sleep in until an extra late 7:45a. Body clocks make me sick but nonetheless I was able to sleep until I woke up on my own, and was able to leisurely start my day.

Saturday evening we enjoyed a fun movie night on the green. Recap post to come later of that and Sunday I went to Target to get a PHONE CHARGER. Let’s just say I came out with enough stuff to do a Target haul.

Sunday, I ventured out to Goodwill and Dollar Tree which I pretty much do every Sunday. I’ll bring back my thrift hauls soon, because I’m hooked again. I had stopped thrifting because I wasn’t finding anything but my lucky strike is back on so I’ll be sure to share.

If you want to see our weekend live here you go!

How was your weekend? Do anything spectacular?


Weekends Around Here

I’ve been getting questions on whether or not I plan to bring our weekend vlog series back and the answer is yes. I’m changing everything over on my YT channel now and either this weekend coming or the next I will start to incorporate our weekend vlog series back into the mix. I will say while I’m bringing the series back there will not be a vlog every weekend, but I will try for at least twice a month!

In the meantime, the past few weekends have been pretty normal. Every Friday, if the children have performed well in school I allow them a treat. Trips to Rita’s have been a regular.

Rita's McDonough


Rita's McDonough

My wardrobe is in dire need of a makeover. Went shopping for a few new things for Fall, she was not the hanging partner at all. She even asked for a stroller, I reminded her she spent a whole lot of time trying to get out of the stroller and now she wants to get in. That’s a life lesson for her, enjoy your seasons whether you like them or not. Sooner or late you just may long for them again. Sidenote: Anybody else have a plethora of half full water bottles in their car?

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Mr. and I slid out for a grown folks birthday party.

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Mr. and I took in a Friday lunch date while the children were in school

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Soccer season is in full swing. First game was this weekend and my son’s first baseball game is this Tuesday.

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Attended the One Music Fest and had the best time. It was an all day event, we got there around 4. I am a huge fan of hip hop and “ratchet” music if you will. We got to see Wu Tang, Bun B, Scarface, Janelle Monae and we closed out the night with Lauryn Hill. I know in the past Lauryn has gotten a wrap of being SHADY on her performances. I am blessed we didn’t get some of the shenanigans that I’ve heard about it. She was about 30 minutes late, the sound was off for a minute, she kept signaling the sound people and some of her hits were done to a reggae beat. In her defense though, I’ve heard that she is having some issues with the record label and doesn’t have rights to some of her music which is why they can’t be performed as she recorded them. I understand if that’s the case but I’m still a little salty that we couldn’t get Ex-Factor the way God created it. This was our first time going to the annual festival, and if the lineup is great next year we will be there again. The music, crowd and weather was great.

One Music Fest

 Wrapped up the weekend with a baby shower for one of my favorites! I still can’t believe Kelli is having a baby!

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How was your weekend? Seen Lauryn Hill in concert before? Who is ready for crisp fall weekends, we got a taste this weekend and I can’t wait!


Featured Living

Unlikely Martha is Live

First let me say how is it September 1st already. Per my Blogiversary post, I stated  on September 1 I would be changing the name of this blog to better reflect where I am in life right now so Unlikely Martha has been born.  As I mentioned in that post I am very different person from who I was when I started this blog 5 years ago. From hating laundry to rushing to fold warm laundry fresh out of the dryer, from being a disorganized mess at all times to having to consult with my planner before making any decisions,  from whining every day at having to cook dinner to having well thought out meal plans prepared two weeks in advance  I would say my priorities have shifted and I think the name says it all.

Lashawn came by and took a few photos for my new site. What do you think?!

What to expect from this “new” site? Glad you asked, content will be mostly the same but at least once a week…or at least I am going to try to provide a fashion, home and recipe post mixed in with my personal life shares. You will find better photos, more writing and just better thought out and presented content overall. Same Mimi just a different name and a little more polished. All sponsored content I bring here will be well thought out and include brands that I think would be helpful to you or your families because they have been to  mine.

Well, I’m off to volunteer at the book fair at the kids school today. I want to say thank you for those of you that have been here and have supported this blog over the years and give a big hello to those who are new. Change is good, I’m excited to see what’s in store!