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Sips & Sews

This post is sponsored by Wayfair. All opinions are my own.

Back to school shopping and getting back in to the routine has been exhausting to say the least. Getting back into a routine has been welcomed but also tiring and has required some adjustments. I’m so glad to finally have things running in order so that I can take the time to get my own schedule in place and have the time to do some things that I like to do.

Wayfair is celebrating moms and the entire process that we go through getting these folks back to school by encouraging us (or the people who loves us) to purchase something that we enjoy or need as a consolation prize for not losing it on somebody in Walmart during the back to school frenzy.

I decided to gift myself with something that I wanted and something that I needed.

Before school got out my son broke the carafe to my coffee machine and while I had my  eye on on a specific brand of coffee maker I just couldn’t part with the coins needed to get one, yet I was spending about $2.30 a day at Dunkin’ Donuts on coffee. I mean do the math on that.

Anyway I decided the first thing I would get for myself would be a coffee maker. I needs my coffee in the morning. NEEDS so this was a necessity. After reading the review I ordered the Hamilton Beach Flex Brew on Wayfair.

Hamilton Beach Flex Brew Coffee Maker

It takes K cups and when I get tired of purchasing K cups I can use regular coffee as well as loose tea and place in this basket. Yes, this coffee maker serves double duty.I’ve been using it for about 3 weeks and I absolutely love it.

It takes K cups and when I get tired of purchasing K cups I can use regular coffee as well loose tea and place in this basket so this coffee maker serves double duty. I've loved it.

I had the hardest time picking out the one thing that I wanted. I suppose always putting yourself last when you want or need something takes its toll. After thinking for a few minutes and reading hundreds of reviews on TeachYouToSew advising me what is the best sewing machine brand, I decided I wanted a sewing machine. I didn’t get the top of the line but based on reviews for a compact starter machine  I went with the Sunbeam Large Compact Sewing Machine. I broke that bad boy open and just knew I was going to get to sewing…NOT

Sunbeam SB1800

For some reason I can’t figure out how to thread the bobbin and needle together…but when I figure that part out, my first project will be fall pillows for the sofas and chairs.

Sunbeam Large compact Sewing machine

The machine came with this kit, that I’m sure is nothing to an experienced seamstress but is everything to me. I can’t wait to make time to start sewing.


Got my coffee, and my sewing machine. It doesn’t take much to please me these days.

What was your back to school present to yourself?!

Featured Living

{Organizing Mamas} Kids Play and Homework Space After

Two weeks ago Tia from The Chic SAHM and I revealed our before spaces for the start of our bi weekly organizational challenge where we encourage one another to get our homes organized and in order. With school starting it was only right that we did our children’s play and learning spaces.

My children’s looked a little something like this. To see the rest of the before shots click here.


I’m not nearly done with this space but I needed it organized so that the children would have a space to do their homework. This room will be getting new paint and furniture in the coming months so right now it is just holding us over.

Don’t even say anything about how I couldn’t be bothered to get the chalkboard really clean before writing on it. Oh well. The chalkboard is trimmed in rulers that I attached to the wall with black finishing nails that blend into the chalk paint.


The book shelf under the floating desk  was my mother’s. I have plans for it to get made over or re-purposed elsewhere in the house but for now it holds these stackable bins from the Dollar Tree that hold chalk, paint, crayons, and pencils.

Designing a space for both genders is a bit of a challenge so these pink baskets will eventually get moved into her closet upstairs but for now they hold work books and other supplementary learning materials.

Homework Space

I don’t allow televisions in their rooms so a few weeks ago we finally broke down and added cable to the room. The television was always there it just didn’t work. My hope is that for the times they are allowed to watch TV that they will move their noise down here.Homework Space

I added some storage to the desk for their pencils and crayons. I made this with a glass jar and crayons from the Dollar Tree

Homework Space

With the TV down here I needed some temporary seating so I cleaned this ottoman that once sat on my porch and we already had this chair and reversible pillow from Ikea. The map is a wall pop that I stuck onto a piece of cardboard and framed.

Homework Space


All of my children and husband have the same initials, thus the A and the S.

Homework Space

Found this rug at Target for $23. It works for now. They sit and play games and puzzles on it. I am on the hunt for a larger rug but for now…..


So that’s the playroom for now. As I make changes I will share them.

Next up is kitchen space(s). I have plenty to work with in that area. I did the pantry but when I say don’t open a cabinet or drawer because something may come crashing down on your head….don’t open a cabinet or drawer other than the ones that house cups and plates.

Head over to see Tia and the transformation she made in her space. So now you see how this works, in two weeks we’ll start with the link up so get your spaces together and be prepared to share them with us!


Featured Living

F I V E Blogging Years + All Good Things Come to an End

On August 10, 2010 I hit publish on my first blog post ever. Never in a million, kabillion and trillion years did I think I would still be here. These five years have passed swiftly and have allowed me to connect with awesome women all over the globe, hone in on skills and passions I didn’t know I had and most importantly document my life in written and visual prose that will always be here when I am old and gray and my children are grown and gone. While there is the caveat of not living in the moment and trying to document everything for blog content there is the upside that you get to live those moments AND capture them for memories.

It is for these memories that I will continue to blog until I no longer have the desire, but Lipgloss and Binky as we know it is coming to an end. I started this blog when I was 31 Adrian was 4 and Addison was 3 months. We are now 36,  9 and 5 respectively. Just as they have grown, I have as well. When I started this blog I was not concerned with anything at all home, organization or cooking related. Five years later I am in a new place and keeping my home is just as high on the priority list as keeping myself fashionable and in the know. I’ve come full circle and I see myself growing into a woman who is more concerned with making sure her husband, children and home are all healthy and happy which in turn results in a happy Mimi.

I’ve said all of that to say, the name of this blog is changing. Addison is no longer needing a binky, after all she did just go to Kindergarten! The new name will encompass home, organization, DIY, fashion, beauty, life….I mean really the content won’t be changing much but it will be better branded and formatted. As I speak with women I realize that we all want organization and peace in our homes so I am looking to not only share my experiences but tips on how to keep things in order while looking fab. From a non cooking, disorganized woman to one who now yearns for order and good cooked meals this change is indicative of where I am in my life.

The blog name will be changing  on Sept. 1.  These next few weeks I will continue to post here with new and improved content. This URL will be redirected, not sure yet if the feed will be seamless so I will be reminding you over the next few weeks to sign up for the newsletter and follow on my SM sites because I would hate to lose some of you in the transition.

I understand everyone won’t make the move with me, but with those that I lose I will gain more. I’m looking forward to what is to come with my new brand and changes. I’ll still be the same Mimi, just a whole lot more focused on  encouraging women to build a well rounded existence that includes taking care of home and themselves.

Some of you have been here since the very beginning, and we’ve grown into friends. I’m looking forward to building more meaningful relationships with some of you through my little home and social media accounts on the web in the years to come. Cheers to F I V E more years…..maybe!




Featured Living

{Fab Top Five} Top 5 Back to School Teacher Gifts

While my children have completed their first week back in school, others will be going back in the weeks ahead. While shopping for school supplies consider picking up or crafting a fun back to school gift for your child’s new teacher. The week before school started was all kinds of crazy so my children will be making theirs this weekend. Teachers are such an important part of our kids lives that a quick note or gift of thanks or even a recommendation of a free grader that will help decrease their workload will go a long way in starting a great relationship with your child’s teacher.

Here are a few fun and easy gifts to put together to show your child’s teacher how much you appreciate them.

Tickled Pink: Grab a pink mason jar and fill with fun items a teacher might need for her personal use. Chapstick, hand lotion/sanitizer, and nail polish are just a few ideas of what you can put inside. Get more ideas and the free printable HERE


Mason Jar Teacher Gifts


Thanks A Latte: Super cute. Great for gifting a gift card and travel mug. Find the instructions and printable HERE

Back to School Teacher Gifts


Customized Printable Art: These are great for a teacher’s desk or to hang in their office. For only $7 you can order this as a digital file, print yourself and place in a frame. Customize your order at this Etsy shop

Back to School Teacher Gifts


Fun Gift Card Holder: With budget cuts we all know that some teachers have to dig into their pockets to make sure their students have what they need. A kind gesture of a gift card to Walmart or Target would be appreciated I am sure. Find instructions and this printable HERE

Back to School Teacher Gifts


Succulent Desk Planter: Add some color and life with a easy to maintain succulent. This ruler box will take a little handiwork but is so cute. Find the instructions HERE

Teacher Gifts V


Be sure to go and visit the other four ladies of the Fab Top Five for their takes on all things Back to School!

LaShawn @ Everyday Eyecandy: Top 5 Ideas for Back to School Photos

Kita @Kokoa Magazine: Top 5 Non Sandwich Lunch Ideas

Bernetta @Bernetta Style: Top 5 Household Changes When School Starts

MJ @ Fab Haute Mama: Top 5 Pinterest Boards for Toddler Homeschooling