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Health Living

#CrazyHealthy Sometime Runner

This is a sponsored campaign on behalf of Millennial Blogs and POM. All opinions are mine.

I love to run. I do. I just don’t love to run in the cold so I have coined myself the “sometime runner” because I only run from February until October. Now is the time that I dust off my running shoes, and start eying new running gear because I’m about to take off.

Living Vlog

{Weekend Vlog} Tardy for the Party. Day Trip. What Superbowl

I tell you. If  I am going to do these weekend vlogs and continue with them I am going to have to get my technology together. ASAP. I’m going to need a lighter camera and a better computer. If I told you I had to upload this video overnight and it failed FIVE times before I was finally able to get it published, would you believe me?

Living Photography

{#OurProject52} 4/52 – Blue

The symbolism of blue throughout this post is very real in a tangible and all the feels type of space. Health insurance is a major discussion these days in light of the changes on the national level. I find myself in my feels because while I so desperately agree with the need for all people to have healthcare, as a result of some of the changes we, as in my family and especially my children are without healthcare because our premium doubled from $500+ to nearly $1k a MONTH