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Living NaBloPoMo

Scenes from Halloween + NaBloPoMo

…and just like that it is November 1.

Day 1 of blogging everyday in a month for NaBloPoMo has commenced. I’ve participated in the blog challenge that stretches bloggers to blog every day of November every year I’ve been blogging since 2010. I’m going to make it this year, I think I’ve only made it through one time since then. We’ll see!

Living Organization Our Home

{True Colors Personality Test} – Going for the Gold and Getting Organized

Last Saturday I attended a leadership class, during which we took  the True Colors Personality Assessment. The test requires you to look at a cluster of words found in 5 rows and 4 columns and circle the grouping that is most like you. I was pretty surprised when I got to the end and found that overwhelmingly I was an orange and scored not one single point in the color that has the organizational characteristics that I’ve been dying to achieve.

Living Random Vlog

{Mimi’s World} Day in the life Vlog + Monday Musings

I feel like I’ve been so disconnected from this space for the past two weeks. There isn’t a  particularly exceptional reason for said disconnect, except for my gross inability to properly organize my life. My well intentions and what actually “had” happened   left me floundering trying to get everything done these past few weeks. Everything that was pressing has been completed and now this week I can start with a fresh slate…and those same good intentions to live a well organized life!!

Living Recipes

Crockpot Apple Pie Oatmeal

The temperatures around here have been dipping kind of low lately in the mornings, and just like I for the most part only use my crock pot in the fall and winter, I only eat oatmeal during the colder months. My Saturday schedule called for an early start time without the children. Seeing that I still had a ton of apples left over from the orchard that I needed to do something with, it only made sense to whip up some crock pot apple oatmeal so that they could have breakfast when they woke up.