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Living Weekend

…About Last Week

I guess I’m over the drama of the missing toothdepends on what day it is. Caught this picture of her peeking over the island. Mama’s little snaggletooth preemie.

Last week was super chill. I’ve been working on a new project so the majority of last week was spent doing some leg work on that. Had plans to get away for the weekend but they fell through so we ended up having a free and clear weekend. No complaints over here.

Living Shopping Weekend

…About Last Week

Last week was good. Was a slightly laid back week, nothing out of the ordinary worth announcing. Well, I suppose you should know that I got a new lens for my camera so get ready for photo overloads cause I’m extra hype again about photography and getting better so be prepared for lots of pictures until the newness of the new lens wears off.

Décor Living

Fall Front Porch Progress

I had grand plans to take apart the summer porch on Labor day but with the foolery that was last week I didn’t get around to it until Saturday morning. I posted to Instagram last week the items that I purchased to begin the fall transition around here.