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Bloggers Like Me-et Up

Last Sunday afternoon, I headed out to Mimi’s Cafe to connect with some of the awesome women who blog and are a part of the Bloggers Like Me group on Facebook. Throughout the internets and Instagram you may have seen #BLMGirls displayed, and if you were wondering it represents for the members of Bloggers Like Me.

I had a great time meeting and chatting with some awesome ladies who are on the blogging scene.  There were some familiar faces and lots of new. It is always so inspiring to sit and talk business/goals with like minded individuals.

At the time of the event my iPhone was still in the shop and I always find it easier to snap pics at events like this with my phone rather than my DSLR. I know… I have to do better so excuse the limited amount of photos 🙁

Great Food. Great Conversation. Great Time!

The fab sponsors: Soo Soo Tasty, Mimi Boutique, La Lynns, Spoiled Diva


Building the House…Episode 2

The last post left off with our lot issues. Need some background? Here you go.

So long story short..stay with me.

Lot 29 ended up becoming available for us to move to. We were ecstatic until we were broken the news that utilities would not be run on that side of the development until later so they were turning what was once Phase 1 into Phase 4.

Stop the press.

So, the issue with this is when a development is built with the opening of each phase the base price of the home increases which means that the price of our home would’ve increased by nearly $30K by the time we were able to build on lot 29.


After I slightly showed out they came to an agreement to put us on the front lot 47 with the promise to actively sell that lot to another buyer and once they were cleared to start selling lots in Phase 4 they would move us.


Phase 4 couldn’t start being built until over half of the development was sold. While there will only be 77 homes in the community we are entering slow sale season and there was no guarantee as to when enough lots would be sold. We were given a tentative date of May 2013 *Mimi wept*

Just as I grasped the idea of this being our move in date God worked it out.

So basically the short and dirty of it is we decided to go with a third story in lieu of a basement so that we could secure a better lot in the back of Phase 1. So instead of a basement our home will go up by another story. The third story will have a media room, two additional bedrooms and a bathroom.

This option was a bit cheaper and the third floor comes finished. Kind of a no brainer but the Mr. initially was sold on a basement, and I was indifferent either way. The odd thing is this change just feels completely right. I think we finally have the perfect lot, and floor plan.

Now to get this house sold. We are starting to really get into the dirty of the short selling process. All of our paperwork has been submitted. Please pray.

Saturday I we were able to select the interior finishes to include cabinet, flooring and counter colors.

This is the makings of my new kitchen. I am really nervous about how it is going to look, but I got approval from my bestie Erika. If you’ve been by her blog and seen her work….I think, better yet I know we’re good. She gave it the thumbs up via text.

Right picture shows the flooring option

We have been given a date range for completion of 01/31/2013-02/15/2013. Ground should be breaking in the next few weeks.

I’m just so thankful. SO THANKFUL.

GOD is good.


Macy’s 7th Annual Spelling Bee

Am I the only one who routes on children during the national spelling bee that airs on television?

Well you have the opportunity to go and show your support and/or sign your 8-11 year old up to participate in Macy’s 7th annual spelling bee.

Macy's 7th Annual Spelling Bee

The spelling bees will be held in a number of major cities over the next few weeks with Atlanta and Tampa kick starting the tour on August 25. Additional location dates and times are listed below:


The Odd Life of Timothy Green Review

I was given the awesome opportunity to attend a screening of the new Disney movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green. As stated in my post here I was pretty excited to see the film and it really didn’t disappoint.

The movie took a glimpse into the life of a married couple who longed for a child and their wish came true in the most unexpected manner. Throughout the movie they were taught an important lesson regarding life and truly living in the moment as a result of Timothy entering their lives. I think the major take away from the movie is to be thankful and never give up on your dreams whatever they are because anything is possible if you believe in it enough.

Awesome cinematography, and witty lines were in abundance and were more than enough to keep both adults and  elementary age and older children entertained. I would venture to say it was sort of a fairy tale/drama/comedy with nothing to keep the attention of smaller children. I took the baby along and without any talking characters or 3D imagery she just wasn’t interested so I would suggest not taking smaller children.

Here is an additional clip.

Did you venture out this weekend to see the movie. If not, there is always next weekend!