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The Good Guest

May went by entirely too fast and I’m sure you are tired of hearing about it, but that week away truly set  me back.

I was featured as a guest blogger on two fantastic blogs while I was away. Now that I am just catching up please go and visit these lovely ladies, check out the features and stay awhile.

The lovely TOI of Life of TOI featured me on her She Rocks series.


Mrs. Pancakes of  The Adventures of Team Pancakes allowed me to guest post on her Inspire Me Series about successful blogging.

If you haven’t seen these posts, go visit!!

Thank you for reading!

Life Random Uncategorized

Life Lessons Learned in a Week Long Class

My class last week was long, intense and for lack of better words  a complete overload of information. I found myself chugging down coffee and water to stay awake. Eight hours of straight lecture for a week is enough to send anybody batty but when I wasn’t struggling to keep my eyes open I really learned some invaluable information.

While most of the information applied to management practices, the majority of it could be applied to ones personal life and assist in the decision making process on the micro level. Thought I would share some of the facts that really resonated with me. I had to pay $2,737.42 non financial aid dollars for this info. I need you to apply this somehow in your life. I need to get the most out of my money.

Increasing your level of self awareness, also increases your awareness of others

Your skill level will only get your hired. The majority of the time your PERSONALITY is what gets you promoted….I can see that.

Communication is not one size fits all. For it to be effective you have to tailor your delivery to the receiver….Sorry 🙁

Your personality drives your behaviors…..Yassss!!! Dry people = Boring….sounds about right.

If you don’t have a plan B you will always be a victim….Welp

People who have the most to lose resist change the most….but I know people who have nothing to lose and still won’t change.

…but who asked me. Carrying on.

If you can’t measure something it doesn’t exist

You begin again after failure

Creativity in our children goes from 90% in pre K to 10% by 4th grade…..Sad

In a society that pushes us to assimilate you have to practice creativity

In reality our brains can only focus on 1 thing at a time. When we are multitasking many of the things we are doing comes natural and doesn’t require brain power….I guess.

*school bell rings*

Before you run out, anything here strike you as weird, insightful, or encouraging?


I’m Out

By the time you read this I should be in Miami where I will spend the next week in class from 8:30-5:30 in order to finally complete all of the requirements for my MBA program.

I will not be reading any blogs, and will sporadically find my way on to Twitter or Instagram but I am taking this as a time to unplug, have some time to myself and plan out personal, professional and family goals for the remainder of the year. Not to mention gather up my strength and sanity to head into the summer with 3 kids full time, while managing a business, blog and life. I need this time away and I am going to take it. It will be hard but I need it.

I’ll miss you. But no worries. I have lined up a great group of women to provide you with some diverse blog posts. Don’t be like the folks in the church house who only come when the preacher is present…stop by and show these ladies some love. I’ll see you when I get back!

Here are some pictures I took from when I was in Miami in September. Even if you aren’t taking a trip to the beach I hope this inspires you to find, make or carve out some time for yourself. You deserve it *blows kisses*




#Jumpfordiapers Event


This past Sunday my bloggy BFF Trina and I in conjunction with Atlanta Diaper Relief hosted a diaper drive at Mighty Jumps indoor playhouse.


Glad to announce that we collected nearly 1600 diapers which will approximately service 55 families for the month. Yahhhhhh!


Kia Morgan Smith aka the brains and beauty behind Atlanta Diaper Relief


IMG_3501Tiffini of Atlanta Tastemaker Magazine and Yours Truly

IMG_3510Hostesses and Kymberly


The hostesses with the mostess


The turn out was awesome and everything went off without a hitch. Trina and I were so happy to be able to do something to help out Atlanta families that are in need.

Here’s some food for thought.

  • An adequate supply of diapers can cost a family over $100/month
  • 1 in 3 families struggles to purchase diapers
  • 1 in 20 moms clean out soiled disposable diapers for reuse
  • The majority of daycare centers require the use of disposable diapers

Nothing is more heartbreaking than knowing your child needs something that you can’t provide. I have become very passionate about this cause and you will be seeing more of the efforts as I gear up to volunteer my time with the organization.

If you are interested in hosting a diaper drive or would like to help please check out Atlanta Diaper Relief website for more details.