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Fitness Friday

Many, many posts ago I shared with you the Doctor’s diagnosis regarding my high blood pressure and cholesterol. In one specific post I stated my exercise of choice to combat these nuances would be running. For the most part I have stuck to my word and running has become a part of my routine.

Valencia, over at Fit Momma V is featuring me today as a momma who takes out the time for fitness. Don’t walk but RUN (pun intended)—->HERE to show me some love and check out her awesome blog and how she is empowering moms to live healthy and fit lives.

Have a good weekend!!


The Help…A Glossy Review

Thanks everyone for my birthday wishes. I felt like I was clinking martini glasses, handing out air smooches and hugs with all of you!

When I started the blog I always wondered how people got to see movie screenings. Although I’m not in the big leagues, I have managed to get on a few PR lists and get to see movies now and again. Working my way on up!

I was thrilled to get an email inviting me and a guest to a screening of The Help. I had heard the buzz surrounding the film, some good, some bad. I had purchased the book but in the summer chaos that ensued I never got a chance to read it. Needless to say I went to the movie totally oblivious to the plot other than it was about some maids. Twitter had mixed commentary on speculation of what the movie would be about, so some of those thoughts were in the back of my head. However, I was prepared to make my own opinion.

The movie was captivating from the very beginning. The story telling was awesome. This is an incredible story. At times I wanted to shed a tear thinking about all that women of color have endured in the past. I had given little thought to what it might have meant to be a maid, other than cleaning and rearing children but to hear the stories opened my eyes to another perspective of what life must’ve been like back then. The actresses did a phenomenal job and really took you back to what Jackson, MS was probably like during this time.

I always like when movies based on historical facts are tastefully done.  I can only hope these type of movies evoke compassion and empathy in a way that will change minds and lives. This was an awesome film. I urge you to see this. Please go with an open mind.

GLOSSY METER: Dull/Lack Luster/Shiny/High Gloss

*I was given a free ticket to screen the movie. All opinions are my own*


The Finish Line

How was everyone’s long weekend? Since March I had been training semi-training for a very popular 10K that happens in Atlanta every July 4th. The Peachtree Road Race is a total of 6.2 miles of rather hilly terrain and not to mention it takes place in the most humid and torturing summer temps. I had been looking forward to the race until the day before and then I started to get nervous about really being able to complete the entire course.

Sunday, I went down to the expo to pick up my number and I started to get excited. The process was smooth sailing despite the thousands of people that were down there. I got my number and proceeded to go find me some official running gear.

Monday morning I woke up at 4:30 and started the process of heading down to the start line. I got down there around 7:30 and this is the seated view of my wave waiting for our start time of 8:55a.

At about 8:50 we started moving toward the start line to get started on our way. I struck up conversation with a few people and it eased my nerves a bit. I was ready!

I completely ran the first 2.5 miles until we hit the first of many hills and from that point on I did a run, walk. Probably more walking than running but at that point it had become really hot and we were told not to over exert ourselves and stay hydrated and that’s just what I did. I finally made it to the finish line. My official time was 1:30:06. I walked over the finish line and I felt like my legs were going to come off they hurt so bad. I got my shirt and found the Mr. and the children who had come down to cheer me on. Grabbed my shirt, a wet towel, some popsicles, ice cream sandwhiches, and some Powerade and started the mile walk to the this point I was struggling but I made it!!


Next stop half marathon…Thanksgiving Day!


The Great Whodini

Yaaaassss!! Did you all like that disapperaing act that I have been pulling?

Did ya miss me? I missed you all. I have been crazy busy..I’m working on some things not to mention I have been taking photos and the editing still takes a bit of time for me to complete. I promise starting next week everything will go back to normal.

Lil Man is still in Las Vegas with my father. I miss him so much. He will be home next Thursday. I can’t wait.

Lil Mama…where do I start. Girls and boys are so different. At her age my son was so laid back and mellow. Her? She slapped a book out of my hand yesterday because she was mad. Really? She has started to self wean herself more and more. I doubt I even make much milk anymore and it makes me kinda sad 🙁

I went shopping. *cue clap track* I did it. I actually went and bought MYSELF a few things for the summer and managed to not buy anything for anyone else. I deserved it, I make no apologies. Although I still regret leaving those pleated shorts at Baby Gap. On my mission I ran across this fantastic line by the name of UK Style. It is a division of French Connection and its sold at Sears. Can you say uber cute for the low..low! I just happened to tweet about my finds and the company contacted me. I am currently working with them to do a giveaway on the blog so stay tuned.

Speaking of blog..I think I am finally over the whole what direction am I taking this blog in. It is.what it is. Its about me and my journey at becoming a better wife, mother, friend and all of the fun and foolery I encounter along the way. Not sure if there is a niche for that or not. If I decide I want to talk about something in particular every day, then I’ll start a new blog. So for NOW, this will remain the rants and raves of Mimi.

What have you been up to? I have been such a rude blogger and not stopping by your places..I’m a woman of my word, I will get by there…I don’t know when, so update me now!

Hope all is well.