Yaaaassss!! Did you all like that disapperaing act that I have been pulling?
Did ya miss me? I missed you all. I have been crazy busy..I’m working on some things not to mention I have been taking photos and the editing still takes a bit of time for me to complete. I promise starting next week everything will go back to normal.
Lil Man is still in Las Vegas with my father. I miss him so much. He will be home next Thursday. I can’t wait.
Lil Mama…where do I start. Girls and boys are so different. At her age my son was so laid back and mellow. Her? She slapped a book out of my hand yesterday because she was mad. Really? She has started to self wean herself more and more. I doubt I even make much milk anymore and it makes me kinda sad 🙁
I went shopping. *cue clap track* I did it. I actually went and bought MYSELF a few things for the summer and managed to not buy anything for anyone else. I deserved it, I make no apologies. Although I still regret leaving those pleated shorts at Baby Gap. On my mission I ran across this fantastic line by the name of UK Style. It is a division of French Connection and its sold at Sears. Can you say uber cute for the low..low! I just happened to tweet about my finds and the company contacted me. I am currently working with them to do a giveaway on the blog so stay tuned.
Speaking of blog..I think I am finally over the whole what direction am I taking this blog in. It is.what it is. Its about me and my journey at becoming a better wife, mother, friend and all of the fun and foolery I encounter along the way. Not sure if there is a niche for that or not. If I decide I want to talk about something in particular every day, then I’ll start a new blog. So for NOW, this will remain the rants and raves of Mimi.
What have you been up to? I have been such a rude blogger and not stopping by your places..I’m a woman of my word, I will get by there…I don’t know when, so update me now!
Hope all is well.