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Let Me Hold Something

*It’s Monday with Mimi. Go check me out over at Mami 2 Mommy*

Now. For some of you upon reading the title you knew exactly what this post was going to be about. For those of you not familiar with the phrase ” Let me hold something”, let me explain.

Let me hold something: A term exchanged between family members or close friends to mean, can I borrow some money (no interest included). If you are on the receiving end of this question payback is unlikely and dependent on the borrower. In a nutshell do not lend it if you do not have it to give.

So now that we are all on the same page, my wonderful blog readers I ask you when does lending money cross the line from being helpful to becoming an ATM machine? The Mr. and I are continually clashing on this topic. I understand times are hard and people may need a little help but when is enough… enough.

I don’t come from a very tight knit family, so his argument is I don’t have strong familial ties that would allow me to understand the great feeling that comes from helping out family members in need. He just might be right, I agree with helping SOMETIME but continually being called on is a bit aggravating. Do you agree? How I see it is if someone always needs to borrow money they need to reevaluate their priorities and make some adjustments that are more conducive to their wage level.

I’ve asked a number of people their opinions on this matter and I have heard everything from a person should feel blessed to be in the giving position no matter how often it happens because God loves a cheerful giver, to if the person asks and you can spare it and its in your purse still say NO. I’m on the fence.

What are your thoughts. Should people become walking ATM machines and loan officers out of “obligation” or put their foot down and stop enabling folks and instead educate them to make changes to their lifestyle that will allow for them to take care of their own affairs without counting other people’s dollars in their equation.

Any likeness in this post to events in my personal life in the past, present or future, may or may not be coincidental….BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Mompreneur Uncategorized Week in the Life Of

A Week in the Life of.. You Might Need a “Drank” Edition

This week was pretty decent but for lack of better words I was just plain out ditzy. I’m not sure what was going on. But I found it to be rather hilarious.

The keyfob to unlock my door has been needing a new battery for quite some time. Well the other day the battery died and the doors wouldn’t unlock. I had a fit, started looking for the AAA card to have someone come unlock the door for me when I realized…uhhhh there is a key hole on the door that is used to manually stick the key in and turn. Gosh darnit and wouldn’t you know its main  purpose in life is to unlock the door. Technology has surely made the obvious invisible. 

 I go to Marshall’s and take the Mr.’s car. I come out out of the store and my heart starts racing. I’m looking up and down the parking lot, I’m walking around in circles in the middle of the street until it dawns on me that I didn’t drive my car, I drove his…and yes the children were with me.

I’m cooking a recipe and it called for 1/8 tsp of Nutmeg. Well I only had the 1/4 measuring spoon. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out if 1/8 was smaller or larger than 1/4… As I type this I still don’t know. But lets just say the dish seemed extra nutmeg”y”. For all intensive purposes fractions have never been my thing.

I went to wash my hair and couldn’t find the shampoo. Looked high and low, never washed my hair only to realize it was hiding between the shower curtain and the liner.

Having yet to learn my lesson, I go to the store without a list and purchase a third bottle of bleach.

In other news:

Baby starting standing this week. *wahhhhhhhhhhh* I don’t want her to grow up. However it is so much fun to see her discover new things…most of which go in her mouth.

I got some major things accomplished with Divinitee. I am still in major need of capital so I’mma get real creative. I’m about to sell all of this baby “stuff” around her and with the proceeds standing as business capital I hope to start a small amount of inventory. The response has been growing and although my initial plan was not to keep inventory it seems there is no way around it. Who needs an investor when you have a daycare center worth of baby swings, Bumbos, bouncey seats…..laying around.

The weather here has been the PITS. Raining and cold not to mention the hail and awful thunderstorms we had for like three days straight. AWFUL. Messed up my running schedule but I did manage to get in 3 days. I got my number to run in the annual Peachtree Road Race which will take place on July 4. I am one of 60K and nearly 2K were not taken..I feel speeeeecial about that. Now I really have good reason to get out and run. I start the Couch to 10K training program TODAY.

Enough of my madness. How was your week? Do share your ditzy moments from the past week…please!


HOP..Movie Review

I mentioned earlier in the week that this past weekend I got the awesome opportunity to take my son to see a screening of the new movie HOP.



Movie was uber cute. Movie was about the plight of E.B., the bunny you see on the commercial ditching his destiny as the Easter Bunny and instead fleeing to Hollywood in hopes of becoming a well known drummer.

Russell Brand of “Bring Him to the Greek” fame was the voice of E.B. and I totally love his accent so that captivated my attention from the very beginning. The movie was indeed funny and I think the producers did a great job of blending in some appropriate adult humor to make the film enjoyable for both adults and children. Another plus, the movie was just long enough to complete the plot and ended just as the children started to get antsy.

Movie is in theaters April 1!

Health Uncategorized


A few posts ago, matter of fact right here, I explained how finding out that I have high cholesterol sparked an interest in me to pick up running again.

I was wondering how I would fit running into my lifestyle. After putting off starting for nearly two weeks, yesterday I laced up my shoes, put on my head scarf, slipped in my ear buds and hit the pavement. I actually did alot better than I thought, considering it has been a while. I brisk walked, then ran and I alternated between the two for about 30 minutes

I was adventurous my first day out. I ran on the main street, not sure if that was a good idea seeing that I was about a mile from my house when I thought my scrawny legs wouldn’t get me back home.Oh but they did, thanks to the Trick Daddy blaring in my head phones #dontjudgeme. My heart was thumping, my throat was burning, but that “hood music” banging in my ear got me up that hill and back to the house.

Before heading out I started dinner and stressed to the Mr. the importance of not letting our dinner burn while I was out. Glad to know he can follow directions. I returned home to a nearly finished meal. I plan on trying out a few scenarios regarding the best time for me to run. More than likely it will be a combination of sorts dependent on all of the 1,476,893 factors that go into my daily routine..

So for now the plan is three times a week. I am following a 5K training plan. It is a total of 8 weeks and at the end I should be able to run 2 miles without stopping. I’m excited, and will keep you posted on my progress

Have I motivated you?! Will anybody else be joining me on this 8 week challenge?