Operating in fear has held many people back from reaching and stretching beyond their own self limitations. For far too long, I have succombed to the little voice in my head that made me question my ability to execute an idea from the dream stage to fruition. Not any more, in 2011 I vow to move on things that are important to me. Taking care of my family is one of the most sacred and important callings in my life, but for as long as I can remember entrepreneurship has also been important to me. I have tried many things and when they didn’t work I succeeded in letting those failures defeat me..Not anymore!
I will say I am not admittedly the most religious person but I consider myself to be spiritual. Many years ago I sought out on a journey to find apparel that would allow me to show my spiritual side while yet being stylish. My search yielded nothing to suit my taste, thus started my dream of starting my own line of apparel that would speak to such a woman as myself. The road has been long, and I have not travelled much farther from where I started nearly four years ago, but what’s really important is I took the first step.
My plan is to grow the brand to encompass children’s clothing, home decor, stationary etc., but I am teaching myself to think on a macro level while simultaneously executing on a micro, so as not to overwhelm myself. While yet starting small I envision a big future for this brand, and I thank you all for being here as I start on this endeavor.
Okay, the fear in me has me writing a book, that I know you all don’t want to read. So without further delay I present to you Divinitee! Make sure you follow on Twitter and Facebook.
There, I did it…sweaty fingertips and all!
Love you my cyberfamily