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In Case of Emergency

This evening as I was having dinner a piece of  food I was eating lodged itself in my throat and I couldn’t get it out. I was choking. I was coughing, it just wouldn’t move, my eyes were watering and my mind was racing. The Mr. wasn’t here and all I could hear was my son saying “Mommy are you okay”, I couldn’t answer. At that moment getting it out wasn’t an option, I coughed a couple of times as hard as I could and finally it was over.

I took a minute to get myself together and have a drink to try to ease the soreness in my throat when the thought hit me. Had I not been able to get myself together did my son know what to do in case of an emergency. We hear stories on the news of young children calling the police, and I began to wonder if my son would react in the same way. We had only discussed these matters with him maybe once or twice since he has been of age to retain such information. I called him into the room and asked him to show me on the phone the numbers to dial for the police. He pressed 6-1-1, I spent the next hour making sure he knew the difference between a 6 and a 9, and went over some scenarios in which he might need to call the police. It was at that point that I could have kicked my own A*@. We never use our house phone so on most days the battery is dead and we are actually cooking with grease if we even know where to find it. Ughh..what would happen if there was an emergency and the phone was incognito or dead. What if he didn’t know to look in my purse or the diaper bag to find my cell phone…lesson learned, phone is on the charger and that is where it will stay.

 Tomorrow I plan on making a list of all emergency numbers to include poison control that will be posted at his eye level on the refrigerator. Everyday for the next couple of weeks I plan to review with him this information to ensure he is comfortable and would know what to do in the event of an emergency. To take it a step further, tomorrow I will also be enrolling the Mr. and I in a CPR and general first aid class and changing the batteries in the smoke detectors. I know it might seem I am going overboard, but preparation is key. When I am done with this rant, we will all be prepared, including lil mama!!

Have you spoken with your family regarding what to do in case of an emergency? Please share your plan, we could all benefit!


Thank You Sharina!!

Yay me! I was awarded my very first “Versatile Blogger” award from Sharina over at Surviving Motherhood. I consider this an honor being that I have only been blogging for a little over a month, and it really feels good to know that people are reading and enjoying my rants and raves. Thanks Sharina! 

Now for the rules for winning this award
  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
  • Share 7 things about yourself.
  • Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
  • Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.
7 Things About Me:
1.) I am an only child
2.) I despise water, I can only drink it room temperature and through a straw
3.) I am one class away from completing my MBA
4.) I am from Washington D.C.
5.) I am very indecisive and will think and rethink and think again and will make a decision based on the best possible option and will still quietly wonder if I made the right choice
6.) I didn’t want children…until I met my husband
7.) I am 31
It’s My Honor to Pass the Award to:
(I don’t have 15, for the most part everyone I would have picked was chosen by Sharina)
If I forgot anybody…charge it to my head and not my heart…It’s late and I’m tired!!


One Month in the Blogging Game

Just a month ago, I embarked on this blogging journey, not really sure if I would be able to keep up or even have anything to write about that would remotely interest other people. Well, just a short month later, and with a few loyal followers I am hooked and I’m here to stay!  With that being said, as I have taken time over the last month to visit many of you and other blogs, I would really like to get serious about my new found hobby. In the next few weeks I will be making some changes to the face of the blog. I hope you’re on for the ride. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it!

Awwww…thanks so much for reading…I’m flattered!!!!

Do you have any tips or suggestions for successful blogging, I want to hear them!


New Eats Week

Although I haven’t felt like cooking, I have stayed true to my post from last week and I have tried out two new recipes so far this week. Sunday night we enjoyed lemon garlic shrimp fettucine, and last night I followed a recipe for salmon cakes that I paired with grits and eggs. Yes, these are fairly simple dishes to whip up, but with my failure to properly follow cooking directions I figured I should probably start off easy if I wanted to stay the course of this challenge. As simple as these dishes are please believe I found a way to screw them up in some way or another.

Sunday: The prep time listed was 10 minutes, it took me 30. The major lesson I learned…READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. I added too much cornstarch (confused tsp with tbs) and the sauce was way too thick so I had to start over. Second time around I realized that I bought the big carton of chicken stock when it only asked for a can. Well how am I supposed to know how much 14.5 oz is…genius, I’ll measure it with the baby’s bottle..gotta be quick on your feet! So I dodge that mishap and the dish actually comes out okay, just a little bland I give it a B-.
Dr. Brown’s Measuring Cup
Monday: I actually managed to complete this one in record time. I have prepared salmon cakes before, so I had an idea of how to do it, however this recipe called for chopped bell pepper, onion and potato. Outside of the time it took to do the chopping the execution went well. I had to add a little water to the grits, I either cooked them too fast or didn’t have enough water in them, but I fixed that, and dinner turned out an A+. The Mr. gave props on this one.
Tomorrow, I am going to attempt a banana pudding from scratch,..separated egg whites,etc.. I’ll be sure to take photos, this one should be good!!
Do you have a recipe mishap you care to share!!