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Operating in fear has held many people back from reaching and stretching beyond their own self limitations. For far too long, I have succombed to the little voice in my head that made me question my ability to execute an idea from the dream stage to fruition. Not any more, in 2011 I vow to move on things that are important to me. Taking care of my family is one of the most sacred and important callings in my life, but for as long as I can remember entrepreneurship has also been important to me. I have tried many things and when they didn’t work I succeeded in letting those failures defeat me..Not anymore!

I will say I am not admittedly the most religious person but I consider myself to be spiritual. Many years ago I sought out on a journey to find apparel that would allow me to show my spiritual side while yet being stylish. My search yielded nothing to suit my taste, thus started my dream of starting my own line of apparel that would speak to such a woman as myself. The road has been long, and I have not travelled much farther from where I started nearly four years ago, but what’s really important is I took the first step.


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My plan is to grow the brand to encompass children’s clothing, home decor, stationary etc., but I am teaching myself to think on a macro level while simultaneously executing on a micro, so as not to overwhelm myself. While yet starting small I envision a big future for this brand, and I thank you all for being here as I start on this endeavor.

Okay, the fear in me has me writing a book, that I know you all don’t want to read. So without further delay I present to you Divinitee! Make sure you follow on Twitter and Facebook.

There, I did it…sweaty fingertips and all!

Love you my cyberfamily


It’s Me Again!!

Yes, its me again. I know I already posted today but in hindsight, I think I may have disrespected the blogging game a bit. There are rules and principles to this thing and one thing I am huge on is respecting others. In my earlier post here I mentioned that I had read many blogs that contributed to my desire to do a random things about myself and my life. I went back to edit the post to include some but some were still left off so I decided to do another link back post.

While putting together that initial post Lil Mama was hollering and trying to gnaw the power cord so I was trying to hurry and finish and I failed to properly link back to all of the lovely ladies whose blogs I read that fueled my desire to write such a post. So now that Lil Mama is napping I have some time to go back and do this the right way..Here you go. Now have at it. Go read!!

I  have made it easy for you. The links go directly to their random things posts. If I left anybody off, charge it to my head and not my heart!

Just Another Day with MrsTDJ

Don’t Get Excited…its Just Me

Shaken Not Blurred

Chronicles of Pookah’s Mom

Being Mrs. Jones

New Mom in the Windy City


WordPress’d for Change

Did you miss me? Just nod your head and oblige me because I wasn’t really off the grid that long for anyone to notice. But I knew and that’s all that counts.

On Saturday I woke up to a few text messages stating I may want to check my gmail account because it was sending out bogus spam emails. Sure enough there was a whole bunch of scribble scrabble in there, I changed my password and sent out a mass apology email to my address book regarding the spam and kept it moving. Then it dawned on me that my  blog is connected to my gmail account and I logged in to make sure everything over here was okay.

Here is the climax of the story, hold on to your seats. I put in my email address and my new password, I was granted access and my blog was GONE. The best way to describe how I felt would be that nauseous feeling in your stomach that you get when you log into your bank account and you see red numbers where there should be black. No? You’ve never experienced that? Good for you, trust me it’s traumatizing. Anywho, I feverishly started “googling” my issue to see where I would even begin to get the issue resolved. Sure enough I found a list that I could add my blog to. Based on the information provided the spam detection system was not working properly and my blog was marked as spam and temporarily locked until they could verify that it was indeed a real blog. This morning, I woke up and my blog was back..Phew!

For some time, I had been giving thought to moving my little home on the blogosphere to WordPress. Not sure why but it had been on my mind lately, and I was prepared to possibly make the move at the first of the year. Of course there is no need to tell you that this debacle, hot mess of a situation has me wanting to expedite the process. I didn’t realize how attached I was to this place until my locks were accidently changed. I am still not 100% certain when I will make the move but I want to give you guys a heads up in case you come here and things look a little desolate..that would mean the party has moved to my own domain.

I appreciate you reading my cyber family! How was your weekend?


Heartfelt Letter

Dear God,
Thank you so much for allowing my babies and I to get home safely and in the driveway before the cloud of smoke and gushing liquid came from my car. You are so awesome and we ♥ you so much. One more thing, can you please make sure the mechanic is in a good mood when we drop the car off in the morning!

Signed Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed,