*pours you one of those humongous mugs of tea and slides you a whole bag of biscoff* You’ll need it.
Where did we leave off?
Well remember a few episodes back we were concerned with the funding and had to pay off some bills? Well we finally got the verdict on that from the bank and everything was where it needed to be and we were officially allowed to start the financing process. We got everything back from the underwriter with very minimal conditions.
*insert praise break*
Things are on the up and up. We’re gathering the few additional documents the underwriter has requested and this even happened
Oh, but don’t get too excited.
So fast forward to Monday of this week, I stop by the builder to request a cancellation form from the very first lot that we had..Remember? She has that look on her face and asked me to come back on Tuesday.
*slow walks back to the car*
Tuesday she explains to me that the county had come out to do their measuring, and while they promised us the ability to have a side garage we would not be able to get that option on that particular lot.
Sooooo you mean to tell me….I kept my mouth shut and processed my thoughts before I opened my mouth.
Basically I told them this was the second time we were promised something that couldn’t be delivered and we wanted the side garage and they needed to make it happen or we would be walking away. She tried to downplay it and that almost sent me spiraling but I kept my composure.
See. We’ve struggled, we’ve settled on many things, we’ve believed and we’ve paid our dues these past 10 years. This is our forever home and we want what we want….and in this instance my friends it is a side car garage.
After some last minute shuffling and accommodations they were able to move us to another lot towards the front. I’m not crazy about it but I will compromise because at this point there are no other options rather than to wait another 6 months when the new phase opens. So we end up here.
Theeeeen I go there yesterday to handle all of the paperwork because we needed to create a new contract. In the process we discover that the survey had already been done on that lot and it was measured for a back staircase and we have to keep that option and they are trying to stick us with the cost…NOPE. That will be my fight for the next few days…I was there from 9 am to 11:30a. Left to run a few errands and pick up my son. Got back there at 3p and didn’t leave until 9p. That was a full day at work and add in whining, bored, hungry children. I was praying in my head the entire time. So since we were finalizing everything I thought it a great idea to throw in some additional amenities that increased the cost so now this all has to go back to underwriting. So now I bite my nails waiting to see if this new contract is approved..
Oh and this house will be on the market tomorrow.
God IS able!!
Need a tea refill?!