So I’m finally kicking off my weekend vlog series. In the past I mentioned that I wanted to integrate more video into the Lipgloss and Binky brand so I thought a great way to do that would be to replace the weekend wrap up posts I’ve done in the past with weekend vlogs.
I can’t believe its the last day of December. After watching many Youtube favorite videos I thought I would start doing these type of videos monthly. I enjoy seeing what products and brands other women like myself are using and thought it might be useful to some to share my favorite items.
How was Thanksgiving? Ours was well, we hosted so I did little blogging last week. I mean trying to make sure that the sweet potato pie had enough sugar and the potato salad enough relish required all of my attention and concentration. My girl was the collard green queen. She had that area covered.
I feel like I’ve been so disconnected from this space for the past two weeks. There isn’t a particularly exceptional reason for said disconnect, except for my gross inability to properly organize my life. My well intentions and what actually “had” happened left me floundering trying to get everything done these past few weeks. Everything that was pressing has been completed and now this week I can start with a fresh slate…and those same good intentions to live a well organized life!!