Yeah, I have been real janky about blogging lately. Not sure why, can you believe I didn’t have much to say, okay actually I had too much to say and for some reason the words wouldn’t come. No worries, I am back on blogging schedule becuase I just know you all look forward to reading my randomness!!
In other news:
Addison is sleeping better. I was beginning to feel a little undone with the lack of sleep I was getting.
Spring has been rearing its bee-u-tiful face lately. Delightful, but I am not fooled. I know cold weather is coming back around. For this reason I can.not wear sandals or any full spring attire. In the words of my mother, ” this is pneumonia weather, put on a jacket.” I can’t officially change over my gear until it has been consistently warm for at least 3 weeks.
Went shopping this weekend for a few spring items. Found a few things. I am surprised at how cheap I have become. I have to rationalize everything before I buy it. I suppose that’s a good thing.
Divinitee is coming along. Not as well or as fast as I would like, and that would be because of my continuous lack of discipline. More problems with the printer, hopefully will have shirts mailed out this week. Sometimes I wish I had a business partner to hold me accountable, the thing is they would have to be ’bout their business and a drill sargeant and then I would probably get mad and tell them to kick rocks because this is “my” business. Y’all pray for me, I feel so defeated because I just can’t get it together. *sigh* or maybe it was the lack of sleep…or my son’s recent non stop talking binges..speaking of
OMG, Jesus please be the YKK on a zipper for Adrian’s mouth. I love my baby, yes I do but the talking has been NON STOP the past week. I mean NONSTOP. It’s like his eyes and mouth are connected by a string. When he opens his eyes in the morning it doesn’t shut until his eyes close for the night. I just figured out how to record on my phone and if I can figure out how to upload on here, I will let you all hear so you don’t think I am exaggerating. He is out of school the next two days, we will spend LOTS of time outdoors.
How are you? I missed your comments on my brief hiatus. What’s going on in your neck of the woods? How’s the weather where you are? How are your babies? Made any strides in fulfilling your dreams? Read a good book lately? Something, tell me something….Calling all lurkers…Calling all lurkers!
Love Y’all!
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