It’s Me Again!!

Yes, its me again. I know I already posted today but in hindsight, I think I may have disrespected the blogging game a bit. There are rules and principles to this thing and one thing I am huge on is respecting others. In my earlier post here I mentioned that I had read many blogs that contributed to my desire to do a random things about myself and my life. I went back to edit the post to include some but some were still left off so I decided to do another link back post.

While putting together that initial post Lil Mama was hollering and trying to gnaw the power cord so I was trying to hurry and finish and I failed to properly link back to all of the lovely ladies whose blogs I read that fueled my desire to write such a post. So now that Lil Mama is napping I have some time to go back and do this the right way..Here you go. Now have at it. Go read!!

I  have made it easy for you. The links go directly to their random things posts. If I left anybody off, charge it to my head and not my heart!

Just Another Day with MrsTDJ

Don’t Get Excited…its Just Me

Shaken Not Blurred

Chronicles of Pookah’s Mom

Being Mrs. Jones

New Mom in the Windy City

4 responses to “It’s Me Again!!”

  1. K. Rock Avatar
    K. Rock

    I love finding new blogs to read. 'Preciate the shout out.

  2. Christina Avatar

    Thanks for the shoutout!

  3. mrstdj Avatar

    Why thank ya for the shout out! Can't wait to check out the others. I'm familiar with a few, but not all! Have a great day!

  4. Laila Avatar

    Thanks for the new blogs. I was just thinking of folks to read.

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