Kitchen Organization | DIY Coffee Station
Featured Home Organization

kitchen organization | coffee station

Coffee please.

Every. Morning.

I have not always been a coffee drinker but the magic of ground coffee beans mixed with hot water, sugar and creamer no longer eludes me. I am it’s biggest fan.

Kitchen Coffee Station

“but first coffee” printable found here

As with anything, my coffee space was a mess. The cabinet that houses my mugs is still a mess. I have figured one of the keys to creating a beautiful home is coming up with organized and aesthetically pleasing ways to solve your most pressing issues.

Cause you know fumbling for coffee essentials in the morning is not what I am about…anymore.

This year I’ll be working with Starbucks and I wanted to make sure my space was equipped to neatly store all of the the coffee goodies they will be sending me to try out and share with you and my house guests.

Kitchen Coffee Station

This drawer is just one in a row of four that sits under where the coffee maker is housed. I picked up the clear boxes from Dollar Tree and a total of five fit in the drawer. The ones in the back hold tea bags and hot chocolate. The ones on the side hold k-cups, creamer and stirring straws.

My coffee maker takes ground coffee as well so I made sure to leave space for coffee bags because you know K-cups aren’t always in the budget! (That said, I did find some reasonably priced k cup coffee makers that looked pretty good on a review site I found!)

Kitchen Coffee Station

I also created a space for my drinks on the go that I absolutely love. My favorite is the Starbucks VIA Instant Peppermint Mocha and my fancy Starbucks hot cocoa when I need a quick late afternoon boost of energy. While I am enjoying the Starbucks Holiday Blend, the VIA instant drink is everything, it really has the taste of grabbing a mocha in the store by just adding the mix to hot water. In the summer I’ll switch these on the go drink options out with something more seasonal.  I’m still working through my holiday stash since I’m the only coffee drinker in the house.

Kitchen Coffee Station


Kitchen Organization | DIY Coffee Station

Yes, I actually use that coffee and scoop it out with that mini Starbucks cup on mornings where I’m not in a complete rush and choose to make fresh coffee instead. I’m sure the espresso shot cup wasn’t made for scooping coffee but it works for me.

Getting your house organized starts with one little space at a time. I’m happy I took out the time to get my kitchen coffee station in order. It’s functional and makes sense for my habit and because I am smitten with how neat it looks I am more than certain it will stay this way.

I’ll be back once I get the cabinet together that stores my mug collection.

Do you have a coffee station? Does it make your life easier?

I was provided these coffee goodies by Starbucks. All opinions are mine.

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