One of my gain goals for 2019 is to get back to honing in on my creative gifts, to include photography and writing. I didn’t buy a fairly expensive new camera, and stalk the UPS man for what seemed like an eternity, but was more like a week to have it sit on a shelf.
I’m committing to Lashawn’s Project 52 where I share a themed photo a week, and seeing as how my word for the year is “consistency” seems like a win-win situation… and exercise in discipline.
My goal is to come here weekly to share a photo, or a series of photos around the weekly prompt. You may get a book, you may just get a photo, but the idea is to pull out my camera and post here every Wednesday… or so.

Last week’s prompt was “Me in the beginning” and we’ll just count this post as my first week.
This week’s prompt was morning. Initially I hadn’t planned to come here and write a soliloquy about what my mornings looked like, until I found myself in another state of what I consider “stuckness.” It’s amazing how you can think everything is running smoothly: bills paid, money in the bank etc., and then your mind starts.
See living has never been about having things, in my humble opinion. It’s always been about being happy, that deep down happy. And while I’m in a place of joy for the aforementioned things along with a healthy and thriving family, I’m not feeling fulfilled on a personal level… so here I am in a period of awakening (morning, if you will)… AGAIN.
I used to subscribe to the theory of making my next move my best move until it came to me that moving is just that, it’s dynamic. If we’re not moving we’re not growing.
I hadn’t planned on starting 2019 on another soul search but here I am. Thankfully, thanks to the last soul search, I’m in a better place to hone in on, and be honest with my feelings. A place where my stress level will lean more on faith, trusting God again to map out my next journey.
If I might say, I’m a little excited to travel with just a carry-on instead of the Atlas truck I needed last time. May my next move, be a glow-up.
Here’s to strong coffee, and new mercies.

Sheree Thomas
January 10, 2019 at 10:14 amI need to commit to a weekly post myself. I have been struggling since going back to work full time. I look forward to reading.
January 10, 2019 at 7:58 pmThis was so beautifully written Mimi. I hung on every word. I can’t wait to read more about your journey.