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Macy’s Southlake Mall

Beauty Makeup Weekend

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was slightly busy and I am actually gearing up for my busy season. Pretty much I am booked out on the weekends up until about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. In the midst of all of that Divinitee’s fall line will be coming out and I have to start purging this house of all JUNK. Truth be told half of this stuff “might don’t make it” to the new house. We’ll probably hear our voices echoing off the walls because other than most of our clothes we’ll be starting over from scratch.

Anywho. That’s another post for another day.

This weekend the weather here was rather glorious. Friday my husband worked from home so we all just hung out running errands and such.

Saturday, we got up and headed to my nephew’s football season opener.

*swoon* Sr. & Jr.