So, the other day I took my son to the dentist. Somehow on the short trip from the car to the front door the baby manages to fall in the street and completely tear up her sweet elbow. I mean, blood gushing and all.
While I’m consoling her my mind is thinking about whether or not I have a first aid kit in the car because I know for sure there isn’t one in my purse. Not a band aid or first aid kit to be found in the car. Does it count that just a few weeks ago it crossed my mind to put one in the car? I know. Bad Mama
I get in the dentist office and of course they provide me with peroxide, band aids, and Neosporin. I bandage her up and off she goes. Then I start thinking about the fact that I am totally unprepared for any mishap. No floss, band aid, tampon, change of clothes, tissue, sippy cup……
I look in my purse only thing I see is my makeup case, a fossilized fruit snack, sunglasses, some Goody bobby pins, and their clear elastic rubber bands to pull my hair up, my wallet, 2 pampers and a pack of wipes.
What do you have in your purse for emergencies. Seeing that the need to pull my hair up constitutes an emergency, what will I find in your purse. Is it a nail file, Q-tip, taser, tweezers, flask?
*takes notes*
April 18, 2012 at 3:38 amLMBO @ FLASK!!!!!! Sorry, to hear about the baby falling… Well hmmm… in my purse you will find some M&M’s, GUM, RECEIPTS, GLOSS, COMB & yep, I have Q-tips on deck! O yeah and some ummm hand sanitizier! I guess I’m lacking a actual medic first aid kit! But I’m country and know how to improvise… if I was in your shoes I would have had to wipe the area with a receipt, swab the area with a Q-TIP, put some gloss on it, then gave the baby some M&M’s and use the comb to position her hair back in place then POP some gum in my mouth to relieve the STRESS!
Sometimes, u have to make due with what u got – — USE what U GOT! ~wink
April 18, 2012 at 7:14 pmGirl, you was on some McGuyver type make do in your description! Hilarious.
April 18, 2012 at 8:03 amAwww poor baby glad she is ok. I only have wipes and a comb and brush in my pocketbook. My mom would always have a suitcase in her car for emergencies with everything except the kitchen sink. Now that you have said this I need to pack a little bag full of things just in case.
April 18, 2012 at 8:20 amEverytime I get a new “everyday” purse, I promise it won’t get as junky as the last…since I got a new purse recently I can say its on its way to being junky :/ I do however have tissues, lots of lipstick, bobby pins and deodorant which unfortunately won’t help in an emergency. I suppose it couldn’t hurt to take a couple of those anti biotic packs from the first aid kit and stick them in.
I *really* want a taser though
I could use that on the subway daily.
Glad baby is okay.
April 18, 2012 at 11:22 amMy family makes fun of me so bad because Im prepared for EVERYTHING! I carry everything from 2 first aid kits to a complete outfit shoes and all for me and my son at all times. Im one of those crazy people if you ask me for something I an proably pull it out of my car, purse, or diaper bag.
April 18, 2012 at 7:16 pmYou have inspired me. I know I need to have at least a change of clothes and a first aid kit. I think those are pretty primitive when it comes to things to have on hand especially where children are involved.
April 18, 2012 at 11:34 amI really enjoy your posts! Always so real. It’s funny you mention emergency supplies. Literally, this weekend my mother told me that I need to have “mommy stuff” in my car. She advised me to pack a bag that contained clothing, dry snacks, bottled water and emergency aids for the kids. I told her that I’d go to Walmart and pack a bag – and, I have YET to do that. This post is my reminder. Happy to hear that your baby girl was able to get immediate attention for her “boo boo”. Keep posting – your life is fun . Work has kept me away from my poor blog, but I will resurrect it again.
April 18, 2012 at 7:18 pmAwww thanks! Yes life can get in the way of blogging in a heartbeat. Okay, our job is to pack us a bag. We need to be prepared. I’m going to check in with you to see if you did it! You have a week.
April 18, 2012 at 11:42 amYea, my family is always on my case about my packing skills. I bring change of clothes, food to feed her for a week. First aid kits, toys, sun block, diapers, and wipes. I carry my wallet and keys in my pocket so my purse is not even used for anything personal. Oh, not to mention straws, plastic forks and spoons, napkins…its a shame. I should leave some of that stuff in the car.
April 18, 2012 at 7:19 pmMa’am. Plastic knives and forks, but when I think about it, it makes total sense.
April 18, 2012 at 1:02 pmPoor little princess! Glad she’s ok. Well, my everyday bag is filled to the brim with crap, crap and more crap. I could totally be on Let’s Make a Deal and likely win any of the contests. “Who has a ped/tide pen/thimble/paperclip/unused straw/mini stapler/pocket recorder/etc? in their bag?” That would be yours truly. ***smh*** One of these days I’ll scale back, but for now if anyone needs it, I’ve got it. All of it!
April 18, 2012 at 1:22 pmThat would be a cool feature on your blog. Select random people (if willing) to post pics of what is in there bag or diaper bag. Maybe once a week. Just a suggestion.
April 18, 2012 at 7:20 pmI’ve seen people do those where people post what is in their bag. I may think about adding that. Thanks for the suggestion and the comment!
Roses Daughter
April 18, 2012 at 3:17 pmDid you see my post with my epiphanie bag? I carry EVERYTHING. I’m a pack rat. I have wipes, pull ups, snacks( of two kinds. Just in case) socks( ???) camera, wallet, lotion, carmex, gum, pens, sippy cup, neosporin, banaids, epi pen, benadryl to go….. Yes. My purse is HUGE.
April 18, 2012 at 3:57 pmIm glad baby girl is ok! I change my bags all of the time and swear that I will keep the thing I NEED in there… and don’t! But when I go to change bags, I see something that I get so excited about and think that I need likesome blotting papers, a old lipstick, some hand creme, etc.
Rhonda L.
April 18, 2012 at 5:00 pmI’m glad lil mama is ok! I change bags almost everyday, and because I’m such a freak about my purse staying neat, I have these clear zipper pouches (that you put in binders) in my purse. One for paperwork, one for bandaids, personal size lotion, alcohol swabs, q-tips, hand sanitizer a tube of vaseline, benadryl, gum, candy, etc. along with everything else: wallet, shades, makeup pouch, camera, pens, pencils, notebook,. The crazy thing is all my kids are teenagers and should be carrying their own stuff but somehow all their stuff ends up in my purse! :-/
April 18, 2012 at 7:21 pmNow that is an idea. I am stealing the use of the clear zipper pouches. I am yearning to be more organized and I think that is great start. I never thought about that.
April 18, 2012 at 7:42 pmThis reminds me that I need to stock my diaper bag first aid kit again. I do keep wipes and hand santizer handy.
Mrs. Pancakes
April 18, 2012 at 8:28 pmglad everything turned out ok. in my purse are nothing but papers…. i would definitely be able to start a fire in case of emergency!
April 18, 2012 at 10:51 pmAwww baby girl! I’m glad she’s ok. I get like that too and get mad at myself for being unprepared. It’s so easy to do especially when reliant on public transportation here in NYC and wanting to travel light. I recently ran out the door and almost started walking to the train when I realized I had no diapers in the diaper bag. I was about to be out for hours and that wouldn’t have been fun. Of course I could’ve bought some but in high-priced Manhattan I would’ve kicked myself since we buy in bulk in the burbs. Anyway, being aware is half the battle to becoming more prepare IMO.
April 19, 2012 at 12:51 pmOh, I’ve done the no diapers thing on more than one occasion. This is showing me I need to get my act together.
April 18, 2012 at 11:12 pmLol..Mi-Mi I keep a first aid kit in the car. This kid is hardheaded and clumsy which equals bumps and scraps. Lol Oh and when I’m out with my girls I do carry a blinged out FLASK!!! SMH Gotta keep it Real in “A”.
April 19, 2012 at 12:51 pmA blinged out flask? Hell Nawl!!! Where you get it from Things Remembered!!!
April 19, 2012 at 10:57 pmLol..Umm I dont know. It wasa gift. You want one?! Lol We gotta hav a girls night and I will fill it up!!!
Prototype Mama
April 18, 2012 at 11:39 pmOk this is a sign…… I’m that momma– well kind of that momma that’s never prepared– so last year I thought of this wonderful idea for ANOTHER business that has something to do with what you’re talking about AND the other night I asked on Twitter and FB for suggestions about the idea— and NOW I come to your blog and you’re answering my question! Gotta love it– it’s funny how HE answers your questions through random people
On another note—to answer the question, I have nothing in my purse for emergencies… but last year I did make home and car first aid kits just for days like this
I used a clear shoe storage bin that I got from the DS and filled it with the basics that I purchased mostly from the Dollar Store and Target– did both kits for like 15.00
Mrs. Delightful
April 20, 2012 at 5:32 pmI try to keep Band-Aids in my purse, but sometimes I forget to restock. I usually have the works in my purse: hand sanitizer, cosmetics, and perfume… Glad to hear that everything worked out.
Mrs. Delightful
April 20, 2012 at 8:48 pmGirl! I am the biggest offender. Not only do I carry the biggest bag ever, but there is nothing useful for emergencies in there. I do have the obligatory tampon, pad, elastic tie, lip gloss and ipod, but nothing major better not happen to me! Seriously, I have the most useless things in my bag, but its always so heavy! Oh, and I do walk with an eyelash curler too!
April 24, 2012 at 8:06 pmessentials in my purse? lotion and sanitizer. and if my hair is down… then yes, clips and pins for sure – my hair is long, and reaches my waste, so it can get in the way!
April 25, 2012 at 1:38 pmThere are no essentials in my purse unless lipgloss, a couple of safey pins and lotion count. I keep a bag in my car with change of cloths for baby girl, diapers, wipes and snacks. After reading this I’m getting a travel first aid kit.
May 2, 2012 at 11:13 amLMBO yes gurl your purse sounds like mine!! I may have a few crayons and pieces of some toy my daughter broke and was trying to eat (15 months old) BUT if i were to remember to actually do it… I’d have Band Aids, Peroxide, Travel ToothBrush and Paste, Safety Pins, Lotion. As a matter of fact im going to Walgreens today I’m hitting the travel aisle and stockpile some things
S.N. I LOVE your blog and I will be following!!
May 3, 2012 at 11:12 amWe need to do better. I forgot about the crayons from the little kits they give you at the restaurant. I think I am going to do a post of my preparations. Thanks for stopping by. Glad to have you. Making my way over to your interweb home!