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GoGo squeeZ Healthy Valentines Day Treat {Free Printable}

I’m not a stickler for not giving my children candy in this house,  but I don’t buy it so it is rare that my children get their hands on it.

…..Halloween, Valentines Day and the birthday party treat bag are like hitting the jackpot for my children.

This Valentines’s Day I was looking for something creative to do as Valentine treats and  GoGo squeeZ’s free printables were the answer.


GoGo squeeZ

Addison and I had a great evening “crafting” her presents for her class. You can find the free printable HERE and there are a number of different ones to choose from, Addison just chose these.

GoGo squeeZ


GoGo squeeZ


GoGo squeeZ

GoGo squeeZ

GoGo squeeZ

In the event you aren’t familiar with GoGo squeez and why its a great alternative for candy….here you go.

GoGo squeeZ

Make sure to follow GoGo squeeZ on the WebFacebook, Twitter and Pinterest for other fun tidbits and activities.

*I have received product, compensation or a combination of both for this post. None of these factors has affected my opinion. You already know!!!*
Children DIY Weekend

Weekend Shenanigans

Unless you’ve been under a rock, last week the entire city of Atlanta was crippled unnecessarily by a mere two inches of snow.

Atlanta Snow 2014

I’ll spare you the details because I’m pretty sure the lack of resources, thousands of people that were left sleeping in cars on area interstates and children slumbering at their desks overnight has crossed your timeline or TV screen so I’ll start with the thaw out.

This weekend as the ice finally melted and the city came back to life I was happy to venture out of the house after being iced in for nearly a week to attend my first Metro Atlanta Founders Day (MAFD). MAFD is a luncheon where all of the local chapters of AKA get together to honor our founders. Had a great time seeing faces I knew and meeting a few new people.

Metro Atlanta Founders Day



MAFDAll of my line sisters except for two.

This weekend I also volunteered to keep my friend’s children so her and her husband could go off for a weekend getaway. While I was gone having lunch and fun the Mr. was at home with 4 small children. I came home expecting him to be frazzled but he was holding things down. As soon as my toe hit the threshold it became a barrage of Mommy I need this, Miss Mimi can we…..Y’all know I love the kids so I came in and took over.

This weekend was also spent so called putting the last touches on the laundry room until I took down the bar light in the ceiling and realized that two gaping holes were staring back at me. Like two big eyes. After much debate and the reading of many horror DIY tales on the interwebs I had some what comfortably come to a decision that I wouldn’t take on scraping the popcorn off the ceiling…until yesterday. I mean if it has to be patched, sanded and painted to hide those holes may as well scrape…right? I sure hope this turns out well. It’ll be a few more weeks before the reveal. I’m sorry, I’m sure you care.


How was your weekend? Any snow where you are? Are you ready for Spring? I know I am.

Don’t forget to enter My Mohawk Area Rug Giveaway if you haven’t entered already! #GotToBeInItToWinIt


Laundry Room Makeover – Phase I Progress

Well.  Remember a few months ago I blogged about starting a makeover on my laundry room and I said it would be done in 2 months?

Well here we are 5 months later and I am just now getting around to seriously putting in some elbow grease to spruce the place up.

I am dividing the project into 3 phases. Phase I involves patching, sanding and painting the walls, cabinets and doors and scrubbing the grout. Phase II will be organizing and painting inside of the two closets in the space, creating a chalkboard command center and painting the ceiling. Phase III is styling the space with curtains, rugs etc.

Here are a few before photos to jog your memory about the space

Laundry Room Makeover

Laundry Room Makeover

Laundry Room Makover

I did all of the hardwork except for the door to the garage. The Mr. was nice enough to prime that for me.

I had to do my fair share of spackling, caulking and sanding as a result of the house settling and the prior owners being hammer and nail happy people.




Once the spackling and sanding and all that stuff was done it was finally time to paint. I climbed up on the ladder and went to work.


2014-01-03 13.44.40

2014-01-03 13.46.17

2014-01-03 13.45.27


Here are a few tips and recommendations in the event you are going to be doing some home improvement projects any time soon.

  • Invest in  good paint brushes. It makes all of the difference. I used Shurline and another expensive edging brush that I picked up from The Home Depot. These brushes and rollers have made my life so easy when it comes to coverage and getting clean edges.
  • Break the project up in phases. My head is spinning at the amount of work I still have to do to be done but it makes me feel a little better that it has been broken down into manageable tasks.
  • Use good paint. The wall color is Glidden’s Mid Day Mocha. The cheapster in me wanted to go with the regular paint but I sprung for the $27 gallon of Glidden Duo which has the paint and primer in one. Covered like a dream. The walls were filthy and not to mention an ugly and I mean ugly shade of gold and the paint covered in one coat. I put two coats on for good measure but to be honest I really didn’t need it.

Glidden Duo Paint and Primer

Laundry B&A

I still have to paint the doors, cabinets and trim as what you are seeing is primer. I tried my best to scrub the grout, unfortunately it is the color of the grout and despite all of the elbow grease I could muster I’m stuck with that grout until we are in a position to replace it *throws things* I hope to find a nice runner to cover it up.

So there you have it. I hope to have Phase I completed sooner than later. I’ll be back with the Phase I reveal. I don’t know when but it surely won’t be 5 months from now….I don’t think.

Have you recently completed a home improvement project or have any plans to start one?


Décor DIY Home NaBloPoMo Our Home

Front Yard Makeover

One of the reasons why we had to look at this house twice before I agreed to sign my name on the dotted line is  there was a ton of deferred maintenance that needed to be done. You know how the saying goes, ” You can’t see the forest for the trees?” Well I felt like I couldn’t see the house for the same reason. My initial impression of the house was the front yard landscape was going to take a ton of money so my mind kind of shut off at that point.

2013-09-06 12.34.04