I think it goes without saying that I am totally heartbroken, disgusted, and fearful regarding the shooting and the senseless murders of all those who lost their lives in Newtown, CT. The entire weekend I was in my feelings about how much control we really don’t have when it comes to the safety of our children when they are out of our sight. Hell, the reality is we really have little control at all. Someone can break into our homes or ambush us in the mall or theater or ram into our car at a stoplight. This has really shown me that every moment spent with our loved ones is so precious and should be treated as such because we truly never know.
I’ve cried about this, I’ve pondered, I’ve hugged my children and my husband a little tighter this past weekend. My conclusion is that the only real defense I have for keeping my family and loved ones safe is to pray and believe that God will protect them daily.
As far as my weekend shenanigans go, I stayed pretty low key this weekend.
Friday evening, I volunteered my time with the Pajama Program and when my obligation there was completed I skipped over to a party sponsored by Just Fab that was hosted by Danielle, Eboni and Trina.

top: Dee Dee, Dominique, Danielle bottom: Yours Truly, Breck
Saturday I spent the majority of the day under my covers thinking about those poor babies and their families. My husband was so kind as to take the children out with him while he ran some errands. I napped and when he came back solo because the children wanted to stay with my inlaws we went out to dinner and off to Walmart to finish up our Christmas shopping…what an impromptu date night.

Two bikes and a Doc McStuffins Doctor bag…How romantic!!
The “sickies” have been passed around so much around here I’ve lost count. So let’s just say my son was out of school two days last week and now the baby is sick again. Sunday I was busy trying to nurse her back to health. I did manage to get out and do some grocery shopping and visit Ulta for some Christmas gifts.
That’s all folks. How was your weekend…considering?