…and no this isn’t a sponsored post!
So you know I love a good romp in the thrift store, but every now and then..okay, quite often I need a little actual retail therapy. With the house being built my funds this season are a bit thin so I’ve been on the hunt for where I can pick up a few nice pieces for the low low. About a year ago they built a free standing JCP not far from my house and I have been shopping in there a lot, yet when I say JcPenney’s to people these days they look at me like I’m crazy. Listen, this is not the same JCP that your Mama, Grandma and Aunties shopped in while all the kids were forced to sit in the car. Since the rebrand JCP is bringing the fashion for cheap..I wouldn’t lie to you. Here are a few items on my wish list…aaaaand all of these items are under $40 a piece. I’ll still probably wait until the first round of clearance though!! What can I say, I love a good fab deal.

Bisou Bisou

Duro Olowu

Joe Fresh

Liz Claiborne

MNG by Mango

MNG by Mango

MNG by Mango

MNG by Mango

MNG by Mango

MNG by Mango
Who amongst you has been sleeping on JcPenney’s?!!