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Life Parenting

They Think They Know But…….

One day last week as I was driving my niece to school we struck up a conversation regarding her post high school graduation plans. I ran down the usual questions, what dorm would she be staying in, when does school start and what classes would she be taking.

She answered each and then she mentioned the nursing program and I tripped and stumbled a loooooooooong way, 15 years to be exact down memory lane.

I thought about myself when I was preparing to graduate and getting ready for college.When asked, I would mechanically ramble off that I wanted to be a stock broker who worked on Wall Street.


I knew when I was saying it, I really wanted to go to the Fashion Institute in New York. I wanted to be a buyer for a major department store. I wanted to live fashion and the glitz and glamour that came along with it. Thing is my parents weren’t hearing it. Neither of my parents attended college but I knew they had high expectations of what I would become. I could hear the pride in my mother’s voice as she bragged on my career aspirations to her friends and colleagues.

So I went to college and majored in business…See my MAC lipglass poppin’ I was more concerned with that..


Thing is I think if she was paying more attention to the type of person I was in relation to who she wanted me to be she would’ve seen that I was so different from what I was speaking. The mall was my second home. My room housed stacks and stacks of fashion magazines and I was constantly yelled at for plastering pages of dresses and models on my wall, but she never nurtured that part of me. She just wanted to me to get a stable job and make lots of money….but what parent doesn’t want that for their child?

I don’t…in theory. I want my children to be happy, and not a slave to material gain. Yet I want them to be comfortable..parenting is hard work. We all know now that happiness in a small shack  far outweighs the burden of doing something daily that we despise. I would do my children an injustice to instill anything but my desire for them to do what they love.

I’m not mad at her but it just sparks something in me to make sure that I am supporting my children in what they are interested in and not what I want them to do….except for play the piano and ballet.

As much as I wanted to, I didn’t take my niece on that interview because she isn’t my child. But I couldn’t help but wonder if she really wants to be a nurse. I see a creative soul in her, but I guess she’ll have to figure that out on her own…like the rest of us who figured it out late in life or a huge shout out to those of us who are still searching…cause I haven’t quite figured it out nearly $75K later

Did you really know what you wanted to be when you graduated from high school?

Will you force your children to go to college or will you encourage them to seek out and make their own way in the world with your emotional AND——> monetary<——- support?


Life Random Uncategorized

Life Lessons Learned in a Week Long Class

My class last week was long, intense and for lack of better words  a complete overload of information. I found myself chugging down coffee and water to stay awake. Eight hours of straight lecture for a week is enough to send anybody batty but when I wasn’t struggling to keep my eyes open I really learned some invaluable information.

While most of the information applied to management practices, the majority of it could be applied to ones personal life and assist in the decision making process on the micro level. Thought I would share some of the facts that really resonated with me. I had to pay $2,737.42 non financial aid dollars for this info. I need you to apply this somehow in your life. I need to get the most out of my money.

Increasing your level of self awareness, also increases your awareness of others

Your skill level will only get your hired. The majority of the time your PERSONALITY is what gets you promoted….I can see that.

Communication is not one size fits all. For it to be effective you have to tailor your delivery to the receiver….Sorry 🙁

Your personality drives your behaviors…..Yassss!!! Dry people = Boring….sounds about right.

If you don’t have a plan B you will always be a victim….Welp

People who have the most to lose resist change the most….but I know people who have nothing to lose and still won’t change.

…but who asked me. Carrying on.

If you can’t measure something it doesn’t exist

You begin again after failure

Creativity in our children goes from 90% in pre K to 10% by 4th grade…..Sad

In a society that pushes us to assimilate you have to practice creativity

In reality our brains can only focus on 1 thing at a time. When we are multitasking many of the things we are doing comes natural and doesn’t require brain power….I guess.

*school bell rings*

Before you run out, anything here strike you as weird, insightful, or encouraging?

Life Random


Where do I start. I feel like it has been forever since I’ve been here.

Did you miss me?

So much to catch up on. I’ve missed you!!

First things first. Happy belated Mother’s Day….and yes that includes those of you who only have furbabies.

I am happy to announce that I have finally completed my MBA. The road was long, so long that I had a job, my mom died, I quit said job, had a baby and a whole bunch of other nonsense transpired but I never stopped and four years after starting I finally finished. I finished, and that’s all that matters. Please let that be an encouragement to you to continue whatever you are working at. If you started…FINISH!!!! I’m so serious.

I got an iPhone!!! Last we spoke I was holding out for the new one until sweet baby girl completely destroyed my old one on the same day as my upgrade…Look at God!!!

Speaking of…Sweet baby girl turned 2. We didn’t have a party. Funds were low…enough said. She had some cupcakes and we sang, she didn’t know the difference.

My son’s last day of school is next Friday. It seems like just yesterday that I blogged about his first day and now he has completed his first year of elementary school. Now, what to do with the kids for the summer.


How was your weekend/Mother’s Day? What have you been up to? Give me a week to catch up and I’ll be by your blogs.

It feels good to be back.


Life Mimi Vlog

I’m 33!!!!!

Today is my birthday!! *Throws confetti and twirls*

I am 33 today. I remember a day when I thought this number would mean I was old but I couldn’t feel younger.

I am so thankful for my journey. At times it  has broken me down, slapped me around, picked me up and clotheslined me….but I made it! 33 years and I’m still standing.

That being said I gets in on my birthday. Tonight the party festivities commence. Pictures will be plentiful

Thank you all for following me on this journey called life. I tell you all the time I appreciate you and I truly do.

I’ll do my dance sometime this weekend, but last year’s performance will have to hold you over for now!!