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If It Ain’t One Thing….

Hey guys!

Let me just say I thought about blacking out today but based on recent events it would be just my luck that I couldn’t get my site back!!! But please read up on SOPA and PIPA.

Well the past week has been a doozy..Let me run it down for you

My husband broke his foot. He needs my help..lots of it.

The printer did not get the shirts back on time. I had to pull some strings to get the shoot rescheduled with this awesome photographer and I am totally stressed out about that. All of the pieces just came together in the last 12 hours.

My Dad had to go in the hospital. Although he is out now they don’t know what is wrong with him

I had a conference with my son’s teacher and she said that he is scoring 4X above the standard scores of the tests he has been given..He needs to be in private school. How will we make that happen…God knows…but I’m still stressing. He needs to be challenged.

My car needs to be cleaned out. I just don’t feel like touching it.

I’m in a headspin about all of the money that I’ve spent getting this business off the ground, and now I’m starting to doubt myself…cry me a river

The laundry.

Just a few things going on in my world. I will be on Twitter and Facebook sporadically. I’ll be back on the blog Monday with deets and hopefully a few sneak peek shots of the shoot!

Thanks guys for reading and understanding.

*curls in fetal position, pulls covers over head*


Higher Education Anyone?

It’s weird in the past month I have gotten a lot of inquiries regarding how I managed to go back to school and finish my MBA while being a full time wife and mother and wannabe socialite…and since I have nothing ratchet to say today I thought I would drop some tips that may help somebody on their journey.

1.)    Make sure you know what exactly you plan to do with this new degree once you get it. Now if someone would’ve mentioned this to me I probably wouldn’t have gotten my MBA.  See, I don’t think I was ever cut out for corporate, I was forcing myself into the life and now I have debt and no intent to use my degree in the conventional sense of the word…and that’s fine. JUST HAVE A PLAN

2.)    Search out scholarships. I didn’t do this. I should’ve. I took out loans and paid some out of pocket but the money is out there. Take the time and look for it. Wouldn’t you rather give it to Goodwill, Benihana, or your bank account instead of Sallie Mae and her friends? I thought so.

3.)    Pace yourself. The race is not to the swift but to the one who….You know the saying. I started off determined to finish in 2 years. I burned myself out in the beginning trying to take 2 or 3 classes. Who was I racing against? I’m not sure but at the end I was taking one class at a time and it took me 2.5 years. In hindsight I don’t care if it would’ve taken me 5 years I would’ve had that time to spend with my family. The degree will be there. If you have children, they won’t be small forever. Ponder on that.

4.)    Use your time wisely. I used my lunch hours to do homework. If I rode the train that day I used that time as well. My goal was to do as much as I could before I got home so my family could have my attention in the evenings.

5.)    Take into account your best methods of learning. Having a family, career or active social life makes online learning very appealing. However, if you know you are a hands on type of person and need the structure of a class room seek that out. Online takes a lot of discipline and dealing with group work issues via Skype and email is a pain in the arse. SERIOUSLY. I wish I would’ve gone to class. It would’ve been more taxing but I think I would’ve appreciated it more and possibly learned more.

6.)    Use Amazon for buying textbooks. My foolish self was buying books from the school bookstore. Wow! It took me nearly a year before someone told me. Some books you can even buy rights to for like 6 months and read as well as print material offline for $20. Genius.

7.)    Don’t plagiarize, they have systems to check for that stuff now. One of my team members got kicked out of the program for that. Paraphrasing no longer works either. They run your papers through a system. A lot of schools are using it now. DON’T. DO. IT

8.)    Know your deadlines. If the GMAT will be required make sure you are planning at least a year ahead to allow for studying, taking the test and applying within the deadline for the term you are looking to enter.

9.)    From my understanding seek out a school that also has a physical location. Graduating from these types of schools makes you more competitive so I hear in comparison to online only schools *shrugs*

10.)  Don’t be scurred. If it’s something you want, go after it. It won’t be easy but what is?

Welp, that’s all I have. Good stuff, no? Do you have anything to add? Are you considering furthering your education?