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Black Butterfly

Last week I had a moment. And I took it.

No matter what we know about how great we are, and how joyful certain areas of our lives are, *insert a random insecurity* always seems to creep in.

I reached out to a friend last week, I’d been putting it off not wanting to bother her but finally did, and I’m so happy I followed through.

Early on in our conversation I mentioned that I had set a self-imposed timeline on myself to accomplish a few things, and at the end of our call she recalled my statement and reminded me in a nutshell that placing the pressure of time on ourselves isn’t necessary. It’s only necessary that we give our all to whatever that thing, that dream is consistently. Time will pass and as long as we strive towards the goal daily, we are doing just fine.

In case you needed that word like I did… keep moving!

…and here’s my favorite verse from Deniece Williams’ song “Black Butterfly”…it seems fitting all the way around!

Black Butterfly, sail across the waters
Tell your sons and daughters what the struggle brings
Black Butterfly, set the skies on fire
Rise up even higher
So the wind can catch your wings

Go Fly, friends!


What I’m Reading in May +New “Reader” T-shirt

I’m starting to think instead of putting a number on the amount of books I want to read in a year, I should just read.

Read, and document what I read cause that number is always looming over my head, and at this point, it’s pretty likely I won’t hit my reading goal for the year. I’m currently 14 books behind, I guess I could technically catch up, but right now I’m enjoying spending my evenings outdoors in the garden, and by the time I get in and settle down to read after cooking, cleaning, you know the usual, the book is reading me…cause I’m sleep.

Nonetheless, there are a few books I would love to get through in May. I’m normally drawn to heavy books, next month as summer really starts to set in I’m committed to trying more lighthearted reads that won’t weigh on my heart and are quick easy reads… just in case I want to still try to hit that reading goal for the year!

Before we get into the book list, on Unlikely Market, I just added the popular “Reader” design in a T-shirt just in time for summer. Head over to get one for yourself or your favorite reader! Click here to purchase.

On to the book list!

Next month I would like to get through five books to include:

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid: This one was written by the author of Daisy Jones and the Six, and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. LOVED both of those, hope this one doesn’t disappoint.

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight: I love a good memoir, this one highlights the story of Nike’s founder.

The Hand I Fan With by Tina McElroy Ansa: I’ve heard so many good things about this one. Going to give it a go.

32 Candles by Ernessa T. Carter: This one’s been on my list for a while, and after reading the reviews it earned a spot on this month’s reading list.

The last spot on May’s list is reserved for my book club read.

What’s on your reading list for May?! Send me all the light-hearted, fun reads for summer!

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Self-Care for the Men in Your Life

This post is sponsored by Unilever and all opinions are my own.

One of the best things I’ve done for myself in the past few months has been becoming very intentional about making time for fitness. As a result, I’ve noticed my husband and son have also jumped on the bandwagon and are being more consistent with their own workouts and weightlifting.

After a good workout, there are few things better than taking a hot shower with body care products that not only make you feel good but also smell good. It’s like a whole experience that leaves you feeling great physically and mentally, and ready to do it all over again the next day.

I’ve indulged myself with some nice body products for my post-workout routine and felt that my favorite guys deserved the same pampering. I’ve been purchasing them the Dove Men+Care Body and Face Wash, Extra Fresh 3-pack which contains menthol and delivers cooling refreshment, and rinses cleanly away leaving their skin feeling refreshed. I stocked my son up for back to school, and it was recently time to restock. 

During this shopping trip I also added the Degree® Men Dry Protection Antiperspirant, Cool Rush 5-pack, that my husband loves, to the shopping list.  This deodorant works for both of them as it offers up to 48 hours of protection against sweat and body odor, keeping them smelling good from one workout and shower to the next. 

As I mentioned earlier, making my fitness a non-negotiable has meant that I have to make better use of my time, so I’ve started to utilize some of the new shopping options at Sams Club to include the option of swinging by the club, and picking up a lot of the staples for our home like our body care, paper, and cleaning products.

This option has helped me save time and money! Don’t forget, you have the option to utilize online and pick-up options when purchasing, giving you shopping options to keep your home stocked with the things you and your family need!


Reading Goals for 2021 | Fave Reads from 2020

Last year I set a lofty goal to read 100 books, and then the C-word hit and I lost all of my reading mojo to never reclaim it. I finished out the year having read 37 books.

I could look at 37 as a far cry, a whole 63 books shy of my goal, instead I look at it like I read more books in a year that some people have read in forever, not to mention the time it took to dive into these stories was time spent doing something for myself, doing one of the things I love to do.

Around Christmas time, I dropped this sweatshirt on Unlikely Market as a great gift for readers. Well, it did exceptionally well, and I’ve decided to keep it around. You can grab yours HERE!

I read some pretty powerful books last year, narrowing down my top five was hard… but I can do hard things!

Below are my top five reads for 2020 (affiliate links included):

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Daisy Jones and the Six

The Silent Patient

Coffee Will Make You Black