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Living Vlog

Weekend Vlog – Kid Free. Shopping. Can I Get Some Order

It just feels really awkward posting my weekend vlogs so late in the week. I’m going to get an external drive this weekend so hopefully that will speed up the upload process and I can get back to posting these on Monday nights.

Our weekend was extra chill. We didn’t do much of anything. The kids went to spend some time with one of my best friends and her children so it was NO kid zone around here Saturday and the early part of Sunday. Didn’t get back around to working in the yard like I wanted but we’ll be out there this weekend coming barring my allergies and sinuses don’t lay me out like they have the past few days. 

DIY Living

How To Remove Candle Wax and Re-Use Jars

If you are anything like me and let out an audible yelp when you see a Bath and Body Works 2 for $24 candle email in your inbox, then like me you may have tons of perfectly good glass jars laying around with old candle wax sitting in the bottom of them.

While you can grab a glass jar for as low as a $1 from the store, in the mindset of being environmentally conscious why not just reuse the ones you already have. I’ve tried a number of methods and finally came across one that is so simple and easy and gets the wax out within minutes and without a mess.


A Sneak Peek of Spring

Yesterday the weather was glorious. The temperature maxed out at 79 degrees and nothing cheered my heart so than to spend an afternoon outside. I love the outdoors, a trait that I must’ve been born with because I have vivid memories of begging to get in a last double dutch jump before the street lights came on.

Some wouldn’t turn because they were afraid to let the lights come on before they got home. Not me. I remember hearing her yelling my name to come in so that I could be ushered directly to the bathtub without any chances of passing go because I’d been out all day.


Oh Hai 36

THIRTY-SIX. Wow. Today I turned 36 and while it indeed is another year of life that seemed to come full circle in what seemed like only 6 months I welcome it. Every year I examine my life and where I am, and the older I’ve gotten the more kind I’ve been toward myself regarding where I am and where I thought I would be at said age.

See I know now that living life on purpose comes with ups and downs, bumps and bruises but it’s all apart of the game. For the last 12 of these 36 years I’ve been searching and just recently I’ve decided to live and let what will be, be and what chips may fall……let them “mugs” fall.