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One is the Magic #

As this space constantly evolves into a place that is a collection of my thoughts and deeds, and likes and rants and raves I often can never get close to a computer when I have those moments when I find myself deep in the abyss that is my feels. Then by the time I get there the passion behind the lesson is gone and I’m left only to post a DIY or recipe.

There are the emails about how amazing it must be to get out and do and be free with a supportive husband….and it is. I apologize in some sort of fashion if this space sends the message that my life is always on point and void of the true reality that at times nothing else will suffice in describing those hard moments other than dropping the F bomb with an -ed  followed by up.

Savor by Shauna Niequist

Savor Your Mornings with Shauna Niequist

It’s the slow start to a Saturday morning over here. I love mornings that are able to unfold as they desire with no rush or immediate needs. It is these mornings that I am able to start my day with a little devotion, and coffee and the time to be with my feelings and thoughts.

Unfortunately every morning can’t be the same and while my devotion happens every morning, sadly its often hurried or rushed because I haven’t quite  mastered the go to bed early, don’t hit the snooze button, get up early process that allows me a good portion of quiet, me time before the beginning of busy days. I’ll get there one day.

GA Renaissance Festival Discount
Family Living

Georgia Renaissance Festival 2015

The one thing I love about Spring is festival season. I have been dying to get out with my camera and enjoy the outdoors. Atlanta is no different from any other major city I imagine in offering a plethora of fun family activities in the Spring and Summer.

One of the major ones in Atlanta, is the Georgia Renaissance festival. I’ve been dying to get there and every year the time comes and goes and we don’t ever get a chance to make it. Not this year. I’m better at scheduling and putting things on the planner and our trip to the Renaissance festival has been planned for the opening weekend of April 18. The festival will be open from April 18- June 7.

Living Vlog

Weekend Vlog – Kid Free. Shopping. Can I Get Some Order

It just feels really awkward posting my weekend vlogs so late in the week. I’m going to get an external drive this weekend so hopefully that will speed up the upload process and I can get back to posting these on Monday nights.

Our weekend was extra chill. We didn’t do much of anything. The kids went to spend some time with one of my best friends and her children so it was NO kid zone around here Saturday and the early part of Sunday. Didn’t get back around to working in the yard like I wanted but we’ll be out there this weekend coming barring my allergies and sinuses don’t lay me out like they have the past few days.